Just A Villian to you

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How long had it been? Weeks...months maybe? No...no it's hadn't been long enough to be a month just a few weeks, he was being dramatic. It's not like Wilbur hadn't been taking care of him. Every single day he was pampered, taken care of and practically worshipped by the brunette. Quackity was deep in his thoughts when-

"My darling!"

Wilbur approched him the same as every morning, a flurry of kisses up my arm followed by nuzzling. His brown hair rests just under Quacky's jaw and he shuffles into the avians lap, always clingy and possesive.

"How was your sleep baby bird? Are you hungry? Probably not, are you thristy? Are you feeling okay?"

The villian would ask more questions until he got a response, then there would be another flurry of kisses.

Quackity hated every moment of it, every kiss was a sharp blade in his hope and every word that made him blush even if it was only slightly reminded him of the betrayal he was commiting by allowing Wilbur to dote on him.

He hated the addictiveness of it all.
Wilbur was his poison and he knew that but Quackity had never thought it would lead to this.

He swallowed his thoughts when the brunette's kisses stopped. Not good.

"Do you still hate me Ace?"


Blood flashed into his sight. The dark crimson spilling out of every nook and cranny of the walls, he heard screams of pain and the vidid image of a seemingly younger Will rocking in the center of the room holding a gun stuck with him even after the image passes.

"Do you still hate me Ace?"

"No....i want to...but i don't.."

He nods slowly and kisses along Quackity's knuckles, staring at the avians tan skin in pure adoration. Then Quackity felt his guts turn and looked down to see a knife in his stomach.

"Do you still hate me Ace?"

Quackity chose to stay quiet, looking away from the villian.
He had to remind himself daily, Wilbur was his name but it wasn't who he was.

He was Siren
He was a killer
He was a terrorist
He is a villian.

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