His Sullen Song

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"Oh darling~"

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!!!!
How could he have forgotten that power!? Wilbur literally had almost the exact same powers as Oracal, his ex side kick turned vigilante and it just slipped his mind!!

"Oh pretty bird i know you're nearbyyy!!"

He could hear Siren giggling as he searched- no...no he giggled as he hunted down the avian with never ending enthusiasm.

"I'm going to find you Ace~"

"Don't worry pretty boy I'm not going to hurt you, I'd never hurt my angelic hero! You mean so much to me darling, all i want to do is adore you!!"

Quackity tried to block out the sounds of the villian getting steadily closer squeezing his eyes shut, he tried to steady his breathing and tucks his wings tighter but in the cramped space under a bed in a room he found wasn't exactly generous enough to allow movement.
Which wouldn't matter when Siren found him.

Oh how much easier it was to forget about Will when he acted like his true psychotic self, the older man stalked through every room of this base to find him and Quackity was terrified of what was going to happen when he found was found.

From the sound of the approching footsteps...he didn't have long to mull it over...

"Pretty bird i know you're here somewhere just come out and don't make me use my grumpy voice"

Quackity nearly squeaked at the threat, he very much did not want to be on the bad end of Siren's angry voice, the villian could kill a man with a single word and he'd seen it happen infront of him on several occasions. The thought of the memories made him shudder. Which unfortunately made his wings stretch out and get trapped in the slats of the bed above him, stifling a cry Quackity struggled as discreetly as he could terror building in him steadily.

"Oh angel you're in pain...why are you in pain? Just call out to me and let me find you I'll help i promise i will"

Siren went back to pleading desperately and as Quackity moved his wing more and more pain shot through him the more agonised Siren's voice sounded. Was he..? No that would be stupid why would his kidnapper link pain receptors with him, surely Will had torture beyond feeding him hot soup planned out right?

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