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He could feel the hero shaking, the sound of pained gasps hurt his brain almost as much as the thought of losing his darling did. That wasn't true, no it was, it wasn't, it had to be right? What would hurt more? Losing Ace or being the reason he was in pain? NO NO FUCK he would not think about that. Not ever again.

Whatever made him feel worse he couldn't stand the idea that his precious Ace was in pain and it was only getting worse by the minute. Rummaging through everything he thought might hide the avain Wilbur eventually found the injured ravenette. Crying.



No, No, No, No

No this can't be happening


No no not again...

He phased through the mattress the duck was under and carefully pried the trapped wing out from between the slats, Wilbur managed to get Ace out of the bed and instantly clung to the smaller man frantically trying to calm him.

"Please Ace, sweetie don't cry it's okay I'm here"

"Darling I'll help just- you have to stop moving it's okay it'll be okay"

"I've got you I'm right here just take some deep breaths"

He stayed beside Ace gently rubbing the avians back, Wilbur nuzzling into the smallers neck feathers to help him relax. It worked surprisingly well. Ace let him gently preen through the beautiful feathers that adorned his wings, once Wilbur brushed the sore spot on his wings the smaller man hissed and clicked thrashing in the villians arms. It took some time for Ace to settle after that.

*POV Swap*

Wilbur gently preened through his feathers, slender hands running through the tangled plumage easily undoing week old knots. He was warm and Quackity felt himself leaning into the touch, leaning into Wilbur, when he caught himself slipping and promptly straightened back up shuffling a little away. Which didn't last long, one of the brunette's arms snaked around Quackity's waist holding him tightly but...somewhat gently...fuck it felt nice to be held again...held close and...held he was some precious treasure worth protecting....
Quackity felt his eyes get heavy and his speckled wings droop, every muscle in his, albeit small, body was relaxing under Wilbur's careful touch and when his mind started to go fuzzy he snapped back to reality a second time. Prime he was pathetic, letting his enemy cradle him like they weren't hero and villian. He couldn't decide what was worse.

The fact that Wilbur was holding him.

Or the fact that he loved it.

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