His screams are a melody

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(TW: blood, gore detailed description of murder, do i need another word so you'll skip this chapter? It's just murder. You can get the jist of it in the next chapter, now shoo if your screamish)
Quackity shoved Wilbur out of the door and started to get undressed, he was about to unzip his pants when he heard Wilbur say something. He walked to the door about to open it and ask that he speak up when another voice spoke, one Quackity knew. Blaze.

Fuck. That stunt with Relapse...i thought he'd still be mourning. I guess the fuck moves on quick from everyone.

He quickly put his shirt and Wilbur's jumper back on, he was not going to miss this.

He watched their interaction through the small opening in the door, Blaze looked like shit. He fucking should after what Quackity did to his "fIaNcÈ" the avain never thought he could be so brutal. He thought back to the trembling screams of agony that had fallen like songs from Karl's mouth, he realised he was smiling. What was wrong with him...he was a fucking killer...he'd killed someone and then...gone home to Wilbur like it was nothing.

Quackity sank to the floor, his bird half wanted to watch but he wasn't sure his mind could handle it. Silver and brown feathers distinctly ruffled as he watched from a little further back from the door.

(In case any dumbasses who can't handle gore are still here, fuck off in a caring way. SpiritKing)

Wilbur let himself listen to Sapnap's rant much longer than Quackity expected from the villian. Slowly drawing closer to the hero, blade in the pocket he now slipped his hand into.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, I'm more sorry that I'm going to have to clean your liver out of my nice carpet."

With that single sentence said Wilbur struck hard. A single blow from the hilt of his knife and Sapnap was on the ground holding his stomach, Wilbur seemed to relish the image of brutally murdering someone because he began to sing while he did it.

Humming to himself Wilbur carved a circle around Sapnap's eye and as he tried to scream in pain, Wilbur slit his tounge open. When blood gushed down his face Sapnap tried desperately to keep his mouth closed, it kept building up in his mouth and he ended up retching it up along with his breakfast.

Wilbur smiled at the carved circle and with maticulous precision did the same to the other eye, no cut was deep enough to kill Quackity noticed. It was meant to be torture down to the hero's very last, probably suffocated, breath. Trailing his knife across Sapnap's chisled features Wilbur sung beautifully, with each slice and cut he grew more absorbed in his work.

If he hadn't of been already listening Quackity is sure he would have heard Wilbur's voice by the time the villian had peeled off the hero's face. Completly. It was now sat on Sapnap's knee as he sat in pure silent terror, he couldn't scream, he couldn't cry, the pain made it too hard to move.

Wilbur stood suddenly and walked to his desk, bloody and looking like he was out of a horror film he grabbed a bag of something before returning to Sapnap's side.

"This one is for liking my darling."

He forced open Sapnap's bleeding mouth and stuffed something in that made his body twitch and jerk.

"This is for tricking him into liking you."

He pulled out of the bag, a smaller clear bag. Quackity nearly puked on the spot when he saw the leaches inside moving, Wilbur opened the bag and carefully put two leaches on Sapnap's fully exposed eye laughing as he watched the blaze try to fight against the ropes up his arms.

"And this, is for making him cry."

That sentence was followed by the most petty, hateful thing Quackity had ever seen. His ex was already in so much pain and it wasn't enough. For him or Wilbur's liking.

He took out a handful of sand and grain by grain dropped it onto Sapnap's freshly peeled skin, with every movement and hiss of pain the sand got deeper into his face muscles making them bleed.

Standing back and watching as Sapnap layed there in excruciating pain Wilbur laughed and spun clapping his hands, a childish reaction sure but it was Quackity's tail that quietly thumped against the bathroom tiles seeing it.

He cursed Wilbur's superhearing or whatever it was that allowed the brunette to make direct eye contact with him in that moment.

Quackity would claim every day for the rest of his life that the blush that warmed his cheeks was from feeling faint and not from Wilbur.

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