Fire and Fang

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"Wilbur!! Get in here!!"

He called the avain call for him in the bathroom, quickly he rushed over fearing cuts or blood or nausea. He feared his angel was in trouble and he wouldn't get there fast enough! As he rounded the corner into the bathroom he held up his knife ready for any danger! And he found Q perched on the sink trying to reach the top draw of the mirror compartment.

Laughing quietly Wilbur sheathed his knife and walked over, looking at the avain who was just above his eye level.

"Need a hand do you shortie?"

He always hoped not to upset the ravenette with his teasing and he was never against stopping it if that's what Q wanted but the shorter was never without a snappy comeback.

"Lanky bitch, why do you always put everything on the top shelf"

So he can see Quackity doing cute things like this, wings flapping as he pouted and whined prime did Wilbur live for moments like these. He hummed and smiled walking closer an evil idea in his insane mad head.

He rested his scarred hands on Quackity's hips and easily lifted the shorter, mentally thanking his poor excuse of a teacher making him work his ass off for bicep muscles, while laughing at the shorter squirm in his grasp.


Shrieking Quackity wriggled and kicked in the air, making Wilbur only laugh harder and gleefully purr. The smaller eventually stopped his struggle and grabbed the bottle off the top shelf muttering deathly curses and swearing vigorously under his breath. Wilbur put the avain down infront of him laughing quietly behind his hand, irritable his darling ushered him out of the room and closed the door so he could shower.

Everything was perfect, he always loved it when things were perfect. He wasn't a perfectionist but obviously he tried his best to make everything flawless and if it wasn't he could get a little upset but that's normal nothing to worry about at all.

He got so lost in thought about how to make everything better and easier for his bird that he didn't notice when footsteps entered his room, he did notice when they stopped. Paying careful detail to the new comer Wilbur pretended he hadn't heard, their footsteps were too heavy to be Niki's yet to quick to be Jack's, they definitely had a fire scent to them though- oh shit it's Blaze.

The moment the realisation dawned on him Wilbur locked every door with a mere flick of his wrist and turned around charismaticly arms spread open, coy smile across his features. What he found shocked him, Blaze looked...different...lost almost. Still gaurded Wilbur approched the fire hero and leaned down to look at him, there was blood on his hands dried and probably a few days old. Looking up Wilbur saw the tear streaks and dark circles under his eyes, which were hazy and kept still in one place not flicking around in tha panic you'd assume would take hold if any normal hero wandered into his bedroom.

"Why are you here?"

His words came out softer than he wanted, he'd spent too long looking after his angel he forgot to turn on the voice changer. Damning himself mentally Wilbur stood up to his full height waiting for an answer, the voices going giddy from lots of ideas.

He hurt your angel! We should hurt him!!
Looks like someone did already
He's so pathetic, look look! His hands are shaking!! Fucking hilarious
We shouldn't even let him breathe in Quackity's presence
We could help him
Let him die
Kill him
Hurt him like he hurt your darling

They always got a little ahead of themselves, Wilbur took a deep breath that seemed to calm Blaze as well. Shakily he looked up at Wilbur voice no louder than a sore whisper,

"Kar- Relapse....he's...he...died"

Pure unbridled happiness welled up unside Wilbur, if Relapse was dead then Blaze was his only competition.

"S-some...fucker....broke in and killed him....left his corpse....beside me in bed..."

Sounded like a nightmare to wake up to, just as well Wilbur didn't care about anything aside from his pretty bird! His pretty bird would be so happy that the people who hurt him were gone! He might even get wing cuddles for this!! Wilbur hoped so, he adored wing cuddles so very much. The feeling of hugging his darling was joy in purest form but anytime the avain wrapped a wing around him Wilbur would melt into a puddle.

He had to kill Blaze.
Joy krept up his face as the beast inside him rattled around, hissing in delight. He would allow it free for just long enough to get it done.

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