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Wilbur shrunk away from him, eyes filling with sadness and tears. For just a moment Quackity regretted his actions but then he got drawn back into rage.

"Explain what you were doing in my head!"

Wilbur slumped even further into the mattress, his ruby eyes hidden under tight brown curls. It didn't take a genuis to see that he was panicking, Quackity knew the signs before they even presented themselves.

Rapid uneven breathing, hands gripping the nearest object available, eyes glued down and body tense.

Wilbur was abused...and Quackity had yelled at him...


"Wilbur..i...i didn't mean to yell.."

Now it was Quackity's turn to shake and look away, guilt overwhelming him as Wilbur contuined to curl up in a ball almost like he was waiting for the avain to strike him. He rambled out apology after apology shaking and breathing getting heavier, Quackity was so hesiant to touch the brunette. He didn't want to make the situation any worse for Wilbur he didn't want Wilbur to be upset with him or hurt-

Wait...what was he thinking..? Wilbur was his enemy. He had been for years, 13 years to be exact, not once had the villian ever stopped to consider his feelings and trauma.

Yes he had.

He always had.

Not once in their days as enemies had Wilbur shouted at him, he never yelled or physically struck him. He'd never told Wilbur but maybe on some level the villian knew, he did seem to know an awful lot about Quackity and the ways in which his broken twisted mind worked.

Wilbur who had taken care of him, preened his wings held his hand, sung him to sleep, cradled and held him too gently to be real was brought to tears.

Because of Quackity, he was the reason for Wilbur's breaking down. He panicked a little more at that thought, he was a hero and heroes don't make people cry. Especially not the smiling hero, not him...he was meant ro help people...


There would come many moments in his life where Quackity thinks he'd regret what he was planning. He slowly, cautiously unlocked the box. He very hesitantly lifted the lid and let the bird out regret almost immediately surging as the bird twittered in distress.

Will is sad! How fix?
Make him a nest like he did for us!
Bring him treasures and prey!
Preen and cuddle with him, he'll know we didn't mean to yell at him!
He can't be sad, we made him sad we have to make it better!

Following what his instincts told him Quackity let go of the panicky emotions at the surface and pushed deeper into his heart and mind. Taking a slow deep breath the hero layed down facing his once enemy, shakily sliding his hand on the bed until it was a few centimetres away from Wilbur's. At the movement Wilbur's head jerked up fear written across his expression, bird whimpering winces internally Quackity layed still making sure his eyes were as soft as he could make them.

Hesitated, Wilbur never seemed to do it as Siren but here in this moment he did, he hesitated before moving his hand no more than a millimetre closer.
The more Quackity knew Wilbur the more he thought about Siren ans how different they were.

"I'm not just...startled me, I'm not used to feeling your power that way.."

He tried to explain himself in a way Wilbur would understand, gently reminding him that the villian had only ever used his power to throw the avian off gaurd. As he did so he held the villians hand, squeezing it just enough to ground the brunette but not hurt him.

"I'm sorry birdie I'm so so-"

He was going to regret this.

Swiftly Quackity moved to burry deep in Wilbur's hold, hand over his mouth and eyes wide like a kitten's or puppy's.
Immediately Wilbur stopped. He nuzzled into Quackity's palm, purring ever so quietly.

Quackity sighed quietly and burried into Wilbur's chest, taking his hand away from the tallers face. He cuddled closer unsure of whether or not his method of trying to trick the other was going to work if he kept doing things like this, kept letting his true emotions through.

"You like Siren more...don't you..?"

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