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Wide eyed and severely stressed Quakity, a known hero loved by some and hated by most, watched as the most wanted people in the world piled into the room without a word passing between them.
Everyone from Manifold to the fucking Crow Father was stood silently within the confines of the room.
He tried to steady his shaking breath through the gag to no success, Quakity knew that whatever reason they had for keeping him here would be worse than death.

Any villain would leap at the chance to rid themselves of a hero even if they'd never fought. Yet they seemed almost peaceful. It unnerved him to see so many of his enemies in the one place, though you wouldn't know it by looking at him. Quakity's face remaind passive, it was a skill that had earned him his hero name "Ace" never showed emotion. Not even happiness. His scars were proof of his heroism, that's what they'd said, he was so strong and so brave to stand up against the powers of evil. In the end....they'd won...
He sat powerless and afraid in the chair, mind running rampent with all the ways he could be tortured and hurt.

It seemed like hours had passed when the door finally opened, the young blonde tntinnit lead another person in by the hand. Even with a blindfold covering his eyes Quakity knew who was under the mask, his enemy. His rival, the person he was supposed to bring to justice but had always fallen short of.

It went quick, the blind fold was removed and in an instant Quakity felt himself crashing to the floor.

Though...the impact never came.

He opened an eye cautiously to see himself surrounded in a light blue glow. Siren was keeping them hovering off the ground as he pushed his head into Quakity's neck. Trying to stay still, the avain attempted to process what was happening when he felt a small nip at the base of his neck.
What the fuck!?!?!?!?!?

Siren was hugging him tightly, slim arms wrapped around his neck and legs hanging off the edge of the chair. The brown curls of Siren's hair rested against Quakity's cheek and he questioned just how much trouble he was in.

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