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Wilbur skipped happily around his base with some flowers, he'd been on cloud nine all day! It had been 2 weeks exactly since he'd gotten his beloved Ace and he was so happy to see that they'd stopped searching for the hero!

This meant he and Ace could finally stop hiding! He was so excited and happy

Until he reached the hero's room.

The room was dark, feathers scattered around messily and broken ropes layed infront of him on the floor.
He felt that rage consume him again, the same overwhelming fury that took over his mind when Ace and he went on different paths.

He would find his avain even if it killed him.

Storming through every hall Wilbur made no effort to conceal his rage, his Ace was missing and not a single camera had managed to spot him leaving the base. It made him miserable to not have seen his avain for an entire day!!
It had been a full 24 hours since he'd seen his beautiful black haired counterpart.

His yin, his everything, the light of his life, the reason for his pathetic existence, his avain partner he knew he was destined to be with, his rival, his nemesis, his Ace.
He needed Ace. So much more then anyone could fathom, it physically hurt him when he couldn't see the ravenette.
His life without Ace was nothing but misery and pain.

He had to find Ace.

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