𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕 - 𝐀𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨

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I move around on the bed and stretch my hands in accordance, looking for my wife. Unable to feel a presence beside me, I lazily accept defeat as I try so very hard to lift open my eyes.

Upon sight, she was nowhere to be found. I fear something might be wrong with her and my heart starts to race.

Where could she be?

Had I done anything wrong?

Did I go too far last night?

Many more of such thoughts surface my mind as I move around frantically from her bathroom to her walk-in closet which are both now occupied with my things and clothes as well because of the amount of time I'd been spending in here with her.

"Novalie?" I call for her as I exit the room to search other places.

"Tesoro, baby? Is everything okay?" I say as I rush down the stairs in fear that she might be in distress.

"My lo-" my words are halted when I catch sight of her back view in the kitchen.

She was dressed in a loose shirt of mine, her hair packed in a small ponytail which lengthed short and curly.

I chuckle at the image before me, my wife making little dance passes from here to there. She shifts a little towards me and I get a glimpse of the airpods embedded in her ears.

I thought she had been playing music lightly and that's why I was hearing it from where I stood but turns out she was listening to music that high.

That's not good for her but it explains why she hadn't heard me.

A big smile ghosts my face as I hold back the loud laughter creeping in and stride towards her.

I made sure she hadn't noticed me approaching her and as I reach her, I wrap my arms tightly around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Good morning baby," I whisper into her ear and settle my head into the crook of her neck.

"Morning, Guapo," I wasn't the only one smiling.

"Why are you cooking?"

"Can't I cook for my husband?" She looks at me amused.

"You can if you want to but aren't you sore?" I ask.

"I really am. I couldn't even dance fully and I could only make small movements because of the pain. Standing right now isn't the most comfortable but I wanted to do something for you," she explained while I placed small kisses around her neck.

"Then why are you standing?" I picked her up bridal-style and mounted her on the counter. Before she could protest I smashed my lips on hers.

The kiss was passionate as she wrapped her arms around my neck, tugging me closer. My arms were around her waist and our lips moved at a rhythmic pace and just when it was at the brink of escalation, I broke the kiss.

She already hurt, I had to give it time.

"Let me do the cooking," I offered and she smiled

"I'd much rather you do the eating," a sparkle of amusement was evident in her eyes as she parted her legs slightly.

This girl would be the death of me

I was about to turn off the stove and feed into her demands when my phone interrupted the moment with its ringing.

Who the fuck-

I see the caller id to be Lopez and I pick up the call.

"Yes?" My tone was apathetic and cold.

"Boss, there's an emergency!" He says immediately.

"What that?"

"Your family. They're in danger!"

"What?" I basically yell.

"Uh- the head of security notified us that he'd received a distress call from the estate gate and then he checked the front gate cameras and saw two black vans going in" I gnash my teeth at the revelation.

I can't imagine what would become of me if anything happened to my family.

"Just a scratch on their body and there will be blood. Everywhere," I grit my teeth at every syllable.

"Don't worry we're on it boss, we have three vans -including the one I'm in- full of men two minutes from there," he informs me.

"I'll be there in ten," I scurry to the drawer where the keys to all my cars were neatly organized as I try to find a car to use.

"What's wrong?" Novalie, who has been watching intently and inquisitively asks me.

"My family is in danger," I tell her.

"What's wrong?"

"Enemy attack," by now we were a few steps from my chosen car.

"Where are you going?" She had been following me with the emergency briefcase of weapons we had.

She looks at me confused.

"Where are you going, Tesoro?" I repeat my question.

"With you obviously" She seemed to have already made her decision.

"You can't come with me, it's dangerous," I couldn't risk her but she didn't seem to care about my opinion as she got into the car.

When she was settled in, she tapped on the horn lightly I sighed in retirement, gave up, and joined her in the car.

"Baby this isn't safe," she had opened the briefcase and she picked up a silver gun.

She smiles to herself and cocks the gun, "Do you still think Daddy doesn't let me play with sharp objects?"

I smiled at her snark comment as I turned on the engine. I didn't doubt her for a second but I also didn't want to put her in harm.

I speed through, trying to meet up with the time I'd told Lopez I would be there.

On arrival, we are met with the bodies of four guards at the estate gate, all lifeless, and their blood a pool around them.

I pull up to where I sight Lopez giving instructions to a few men. Novalie hands me a gun and I quickly exit to join him.

"How's my family?" was the first question I asked him.

"They are all safe, no scratch. They're on their way to the other house 'cause they can't stay here anymore," he sums up, stating the obvious which I didn't have the time to point out so I nod.

"We aren't sure how many men they sent but we're certain there's still a handful alive. We have two we could get information from so all left are to be killed."

"I love a good chase down, want to join the fun baby?" I smiled down at Novalie who whispers back in affirmation.

Before we could make an effort into the house, I hear a gunshot hailing from beside me.

"What? he popped his head out from up there and pointed at me first," she said matter-of-factly and a chuckle resounded through me.

We got into the house and went our separate ways in search of men. It was reiterations of ammunition over ammunition as Novalie and I quickly fished out multiple men and soon after the house was all clear of the rival's men.

"How many did you have?" We regrouped after our escapade and as if on instinct, Novalie wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer with my arms around her waist.

"Seven, you?" I answered her question and returned the question.

"I killed nine," she said triumphantly obviously amused she had more than me.

"I never doubted you," I gave her a small kiss on the lips.

This was written in lack of motivation so sorry it's inclement😕

Thanks for reading🌚

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Have a great day!❤️
~1269 words

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