Chapter 6: You're a symbol.

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I looked around with wide eyes, waiting for the crew to start screaming or running, but no one moved.

They were still laughing and cheering, as if nothing was amiss.

They couldn't see him, I realized with a start. He wasn't real. I was hallucinating. I was losing my mind.

He walked towards me, but his footsteps made no sound. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing myself to stop and breathe.

He wasn't real. Id open my eyes and he'd be gone. I tightened my grip on the handle of my sword, forcing myself to breathe.

I could feel my power heating my body from within. My fear only fuelling my abilities. I fought the urge to summon, to conjure a wave of fire and send it sailing towards him.

He couldn't hurt me; he couldn't hurt me because he wasn't real.

I opened my eyes, and he was standing directly in front of me.

Don't scream, I told myself. He's not real. He cant hurt you.

He reached for me, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip.

I chocked on a cry, he was solid. His thumb warm against my bottom lip. He was real.

"You cannot run from me, Evelynn."


I tightened my grip on the sword.

I swung for him, bringing the sword in a wide ark towards his head. I blinked and he was gone. Mal blocked my attack and jabbed his blade up. I threw up my hand in confusion, ready to summon as I stumbled backwards.

Tears stung my eyes. I felt cold all over. Like someone had poured a bucket of ice water into my veins.


Mal rushed towards me, and I flinched back, stumbling and tripping over my feet. A pair of strong arms caught me from behind, placing me back on my feet without an ounce of hesitation.

I turned in their arms and saw it was Sturmhond.

"Woah, darling. You're safe, I got you."

I swallowed down my panic, forcing myself to take deep breaths. His familiar scent of sea and whiskey filled my senses, making it hard to focus on anything but him. Despite the fact I was steady on my feet he didn't move away from me. He stayed where he was, his arms still wrapped around me.

I found myself leaning into him, letting him ground me. He was real, he was here and so was I. My breathing slowed and I felt my fear start to fade.

"Evelynn, are you okay?"

Alina appeared next to me, snapping me out of my trance.

I pulled away from him, taking a quick step back as I remembered myself and where we were.

"I'm fine," I insisted. Sturmhond opened his mouth to protest, and I shook my head. "I said I'm fine."

I turned towards Alina, opening my mouth to answer her but I stopped.


Her face was white, a thin line of sweat coating her forehead. Her hands were clenched at her sides and her eyes were wide with unspoken fear.

She saw him too.

"Okay, shows over, let's get back to work!" Sturmhond ordered the crew.

"Come on."

The Price She Paid: Shadow & Bone (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now