Chapter 11: The Fold.

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I watched as the front of the ship was engulfed in darkness. I readied myself, taking a deep breath. The second we were inside the air changed. It grew heavier, cooler. I could feel the darkness all around us, feel its power like a living breathing thing.

I heard the distant shrieks of the Volcra and shivered.

Was Aleksander's body still here somewhere? Or had it been so ripped apart it would be unrecognisable?

Lightening crackled above us, giving us flashes of light.

"I hate this place," Mal whispered.

"Just a bit of pitch black and blood thirsty monsters, what's not to love?" Sturmhond murmured.

All of it, literally all of it.

"Seems like a good day to kill some Volcra," Tamar agreed.

No, if I had anything to say about it, we wouldn't even see the Volcra. We'd tear this place down and they'd be gone, their souls finally allowed to rest.

"Ah, I'd much rather a hot bath and a book of sonnets," Tolya sighed.

Anything would be better then here.

"Are you two sure you're ready for this?" Mal questioned, moving closer to us.

"I feel stronger then ever," Alina admitted. "This is our chance to finally eradicate it, for good."

I joined Alina at the very front of the ship, taking the spot next to her. I caught her gaze and nodded. She gave me a small smile and nodded.

She closed her eyes and summoned, spinning her hands around, pushing them together and pulling them apart.

Light abrupted from her hands, shooting out in either direction as it formed a spear around the ship.

My power answered her call, rising to the surface, itching to be let out.

I looked down at her outstretched hand.

This is for you, mom, I thought.

I clasped her hand in mind, a shot of energy shooting up my arm. I gasped and watched as the light grew, filling the Fold around us and illuminating everything in sight.

The grey smoke appeared, just like it always did whenever I siphoned or amplified. It covered our clasped hands as I let my power flow into her, fueling her light.

She pushed harder. I looked up and saw small beams of sunlight start to leak in through the Fold.

Saints, it was working.

Alina was right, we could do this.

Her light faltered and I could feel her panic. I blinked and I saw inside her head, she saw seeing Aleksander, how he had grabbed her, controlling her light, and forcing her to her knees.

"Whats going on?" Mal demanded.

I squeezed Alina's hand.

"More, I need more," Alina gasped.

I called on the power inside of me, giving her as much as I could. My muscles burned and I could feel a sheen of sweat grow on my brow. Her light continued to flicker, like a candle that someone was trying to blow out.

"What's happening?" Sturmhond shouted.

A piercing pain shot through my head, almost bringing to my knees.

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