Chapter 20: Monsters and Men.

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I stood on a small wooden platform in the Queen's dressing room, trying on various gowns while she inspected each one with a criticizing gaze. An army of servants, hand maidens and seamstresses filled the room, all bustling about like bees in a hive.

They poked and prodded at me, helping me dress, helping me undress. Each dress came with a different corset and bodice, as well as its own pair of jewelry and shoes. Though the corsets seemed to vary in design and color, one thing remained the same, I absolutely hated all of them.

I had never worn a corset before, I never had the need until now. They were suffocatingly tight, making something as easy as breathing seem like a chore. I decided they must've been invented by men, no sane women would have created something like this.

We had been at this for three long agonizing hours, and we were no closer at finding a dress then we were when we started.

"The pink washes her out," The Queen remarked, waving her hand in a dismissive gesture. "Let me see the blue again."

One of the hand maidens turned, holding up a strip of blue fabric against my skin.

"Does it come in silk?" My stomach rumbled, reminding me I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Queen Tatiana tilted her head to the side as she studied me, a slight frown on her lips. My latest dress was a pink styled ball gown. It had a sweetheart neckline and various ruffles in the long puffy skirt. It reminded me of an ugly curtain. "Hm, whatever color we do decide on, it will need sleeves." I watched as her eyes narrowed, looking at Aleksander's mark on my arm. "We can't have her walking around with—that."

I went rigid. My cheeks burned, embarrassment filling my body from head to toe. I turned towards her, my mouth open, ready to snap at her.

But the worst part was, she wasn't even looking at me, she was still looking at the mark on my arm, her lips turned down in a disgusted frown.

I fought the urge to cover the mark, hating how insecure she had made me feel.

She acted as if I had done this on purpose, as if I had asked Aleksander to place his mark on me for everyone to see.

I wanted to scream at her. Did she have any idea how much I loathed his mark? How many countless hours I had spent starring at it, wishing it would go away.

A soft knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. I turned and saw one of my hand maidens, Kenna step into the room. She did a quick curtsey, nodding her head in respect to Queen Tatiana.

"I apologize for the interruption, my Queen. I've been sent to fetch Ms. Newman to the war room, I was told its urgent."

Queen Tatiana pursed her lips and sighed.

"Very well then." She turned her weary glance back to me, giving me a forced smile. "I'll have your measurements sent to my designer. The dress should be ready in a fourth night, just in time for the celebration."

I nodded, happy to be free from this particular form of torture.

"I appreciate it, your highness."

The words tasted sour in my mouth.

The Queen's smile widened as she placed a gloved hand over her chest. She acted humble, as if she had done me some kind of great service.

"Of course, sweetheart."

I climbed off the platform and quickly ducked behind the dressing screen. One of the seamstresses helped me undress, she undid the various lace ties and then went to work loosening the corset until I could slide it off. I sighed in relief, grateful to be free of it all.

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