Chapter 22: The Ballroom.

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We stepped into the room, and I was instantly greeted by a sea of faces, none of whom I recognized. The room was packed with visiting royals, the scent of wealth and status heavy in the air.

I tightened my grip on Nikolai's hand, afraid of losing him in the crowd.

"This is your family's idea of a 'small gathering'?" I muttered.

Nikolai said nothing, but I could tell he was just as caught off guard as I was.

There had to be at least two hundred people here, if not more.

The farther we walked into the room, the more heads turned in our direction.

"Do you think they'll even notice if we just sneak away now?"

Nikolai laughed, the sound musical. He turned and grabbed us two flutes of champagne, stepping closer to me as he let his hand linger against mine.

"Come now, that gelatin deer over there gave its life for your entertainment."

I followed his gaze and saw a life-sized deer made of gelatin sitting atop a bundle of fresh red strawberries.

I sipped my champagne, glancing through the crowd. It was mostly visiting royals, but every so often I'd see a flash of Grisha Kefta. I spotted Nadia and Tamar talking amongst themselves. They were leaning into each other, smiling as they drank from their flutes. How long had that been going on?

I turned, looking for Mal or Alina but came up empty.

Where were they?

"Ms. Newman, you look exquisite as always."

I felt dread curl in my stomach. Vasily.

I turned to face him, forcing myself to appear happy and relaxed.

"Moi Tovarich, you're too kind."

Vasily turned, clapping Nikolai on the shoulder.

"Little brother, you don't mind if I steal your future bride to be for a dance, would you?"

Nikolai tensed next to me, but the smile never left his face.

"Of course not."

I forced myself to take Vasily's outstretched hand, letting him lead me to the very center of the room. It took everything in me to step into him, instead of away.

He pulled me closer, snaking an arm around my waist to hold me captive. I placed a hand on his shoulder, struggling not to cower away from his touch.

The music started and I let him take the lead. I kept my head up, doing my best to look anywhere but his face.

"Tell me, Ms. Newman, has my brother been treating you right?"

I looked up at his face, meeting his squinty bird like eyes.

"Your brother has been wonderful, a true gentleman."

"Is that so?" He leaned impossibly closer, letting me smell the booze on his breath. "I hear you share his bed at night."

I tensed in his arms, my steps faltering at his words.


"Has he had you yet? My little brother has never been known for showing much restraint when it comes to beautiful women."

My stomach clenched. The idea of Nikolai with anyone else, it felt—wrong.

I cleared my throat, stopping myself from seeking Nikolai's comforting gaze.

"I admire you, Ms. Newman, truly. Your strength, your resilience. Your heroic need to save your people," he carried on, as if he hadn't just accused me of fucking his brother. "Despite my brother's charm, I am still the first son. Therefore, I am the only one who can make you Queen."

I repressed a scoff. I wanted to scream at him, to call him every vile, disgusting name that I could think of, but I bit my tongue.

"And what makes you think I have such ambition?"

He smiled.

"Is that not what my brother has promised you? It is, after all, the only way you'll truly be able to protect your precious Grisha."

My eyes narrowed.

"Excuse me?"

He laughed; the sound nothing like his brothers.

"Come, Ms. Newman. I'm simply offering you a choice. Denounce this silly engagement, promise yourself to me and I'll make sure you sit the throne at my side."

If Vasily sat the throne, it wouldn't matter who sat next to him, there would be nothing left of Ravka by the time he was finished. I had seen what he was capable of without the crown, I feared what would happen once he wore it.

"Unless you'd rather the alternative, of course."

I grit my teeth together.

"And what is that exactly?"

He stopped dancing, the smile falling from his sweaty face.

"You, surrounded by the bodies of the people you love." My ears started to ring, my body growing warmer. "Your precious Grisha hunted down and executed like the animals they are."

I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. I could feel the fire inside of me growing, begging to be let out.

His hand slid lower, moving from my waist, down to my ass.

"Hm, perhaps you need some persuasion."

He pulled away from and then he was gone. I clenched my hands into fists, struggling to keep the fire inside of me.

"A toast!" Vasily announced. He moved onto the small stage where the thrones sat, grabbing a chute of champagne, and raising it in the air. The room went quiet. All I could hear was the sound of my heart beating against my chest. "I'd like to share some words about my brother, Nikolai."

I wanted to kill him. I wanted to use the cut, I wanted to see him cut in half, see his limbs detached from his body as his blood formed a river around him. I felt the darkness inside of me, it felt it stir. It wanted to be let out, it wanted blood.

"Yes, yes we all know he's pretentious, condescending, a man of the people."

I felt a shift in the air. Goosebumps rose on my exposed skin causing a shiver down my spine. I took a step back, the anger inside of me deflating like a balloon. Something was wrong. This wasn't my rage, this wasn't my darkness, this was someone else's.

I felt the brush of his power over my skin. I felt it stir inside of me, my own power coming to the surface, wanting to answer his call.

I tilted my head back, looking up at the large glass dome that stretched above us. His shadows were there, pressing up against the glass like ink, obstructing my view of the sky above.

"But he has some hidden qualities, too," Vasily continued. "His bride to be, should be aware that he is--" 

I heard the door slam open.

"Evelynn!" The sound of my name on Alina's lips made my head turn. The first thing I saw was the wild, frantic look in her eyes. The second thing I saw was the blood running down the side of her face. "He's here!"

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