Chapter 18: Genya.

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After another hour of practicing with my new power. I had a servant send word to Alina to meet down at the dungeon. I had more questions for David, questions that I couldn't ask in front of Nikolai or the others. I needed to better understand the bond we shared with Aleksander, and I needed to learn how to destroy it.

Alina and I had been careful to keep the true depth of our bond with Aleksander a secret and I intended to keep it that way. We had spent too long lying to Mal to tell him the truth now. We had to deal with this ourselves.

"Hey, there you are. I was worried."

Alina hurried over to me, pulling me in for a tight hug before I even had a chance to respond. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.

"I know, I just needed time to process everything David said. I'm sorry I worried you."

The sound of footsteps made me turn.

Tamar strolled down the hallway, offering me a grin.

"If you think she's worried you should see Nikolai, he's been pacing the war room since you left. I fear if he doesn't stop, he'll wear a hole in the floor."

I struggled to hide my surprise. Nikolai was worried about me?

"I figured if we want the truth, we should bring in a Heartrender. I brought her up to speed on everything. She promised not to say anything."

I didn't know Tamar well, but if Alina trusted her, so did I.

"Good enough for me."

I turned the lock on the door and walked inside before I could talk myself out of it.

The cell was like a small room with a window. It had a bed, a shelf, a water canteen and an untouched tray of food.

David jolted up as soon as he saw us, his eyes widening.

"Evelynn, Alina, you're here, thank the saints." He smiled and hurried towards us. "I can help you if you'll let me. Please, let me help."

I crossed my arms over my chest. I still didn't trust him.

"You want to help? You can start by telling us how to break the bond you created."

David's smile fell.

"It wasn't created to be broken, Kirigan made sure of it. The bond you have with him is irreversible, it was forged when you were born, when you siphoned from the Fold when you were in your mother's womb. The only way I can foresee the bond breaking is if one of you were to die."

Great, so the only way to unbind myself to Aleksander was to kill him. Another incentive I'd add to the list of reasons I wanted him dead.

"But, the bond I made between him and Alina is different."

"Can it be broken?" Alina asked.

"I'm not sure. Though the coin is no longer in his hand, remnants of the Stag's power remains. Unlike his bond to Evelynn, yours and his is surface level magic. I can't be certain, but if you were able to erase the fragments of the stag's power completely. It should severe your bond to him, or at least weaken it severely." David's gaze turned back to me and he smiled. "It may even result in weakening the bond between you and him as well, seeing as how I used the coin as a focal point to solidify your pre-existing bond."

Well, at least that was something. It wasn't much, but it was an option.

"Okay, good. Now I need you to explain merzost to me. I need to know exactly how it works and how to wield it."

David's face fell.

"N-N-N-No, no merzost always has a cost. The journal I brought you gave very specific details on how dangerous that cost can be."

"I've used it before, I summoned the power of the Fold. I used it to hurt Aleksander. What if I can do it again? What if that's how we stop him and his monsters? You said it yourself, if merzost created them, then maybe it can kill them too."

I knew merzost was dangerous. But we were running out of options. If David was telling the truth and Aleksander had shadow monsters that answered his every beck and call, our army didn't stand a chance.

"The merzost you used against Kirigan in the Fold is what helped him get the power he needed to create his monsters. It's unclear what more merzost would do. It could destroy them, or it could make them stronger."

I reached up and rubbed my temples. This conversation wasn't getting us anywhere, all we had was more questions.

"So, then your suggestion is what exactly? Pray to the saints he never finds us, what about the rest of Ravka, the ones who can't hide?"

David's shoulders sagged.

"You're right, I don't know how to stop him. But I swear to you I won't stop until I've figured it out."

"Why should we believe you?" Alina demanded. "You're saying he has unstoppable shadow monsters and you just happened to what, sneak by them and escape?"

"Genya." I flinched as her name left his lips. A dozen memories flashed behind my eyes. Genya had been one of my closest friends at the Little Palace. I had only found out after I left that she was a spy, reporting everything I said and did to Aleksander. "She sacrificed herself to get me out, to give me the chance to warn you." He lowered his head, a look of shame written on his face. "Kirigan found her, she told me to run, and I did. I don't even know if she's alive."

The last time I had seen Genya was before Aleksander forced Alina and I to go back into the Fold. She had helped me get ready, taking the time to tell me she was sorry for what happened.

Despite the anger I had felt at her betrayal, I found myself sick at the thought of something bad happening to her.

"His heartbeat is steady," Tolya stated. "He's telling the truth."


Hello everyone! I know I haven't updated in awhile and I apologize for that! I was having some writers block but I'm back on track now and excited to release more chapters. 

I'm interested to hear what you guys think so far. Do you think there's hope for Evelynn and Aleksander? Do you like her better with Nikolai? Do you think Evelynn honestly has what it takes to kill Aleksander? Do you think she should use merzost? Tell me your thoughts in the comments section or send me a message. I love hearing from you guys!

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