Chapter 17: David.

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I let Tamar lead the way, staying close to Alina's side. Since we had gotten here, every time I was summoned to the war room, it was to be given bad news. I had a feeling this time wouldn't be any different.

I thought back to threat Aleksander had made.

You are mine, Evelynn. You will always be mine. Though it seems you need another reminder. Soon, you will learn this lesson and when you do, I want you to remember this. I want you to remember what happens to those who try and take what is mine.

I quickened my steps, hating how my heart had lurched into my throat.

We rounded the corner and Tamar pushed open the door. I looked up and stopped as I was greeted with a familiar face.

I heard Alina gasp from somewhere close.

The last time I had seen him was in Aleksander's tent, when he had forced the mark on my arm, binding me to Aleksander.


I stepped into the room, feeling my defences rise.

"So, you do know him." Nikolai came to my side, his hand brushing against mine as he did. "He claims to have escaped from a very alive General Kirigan. He gave himself up without a struggle. We found this on him." Nikolai handed me an old, leather bound book. "He claims it's one of Morozova's journals." I turned the book over in my hand. Why was he here, why would he bring this? "I, for one, am dying to know more, but he insisted he'd speak only with the Exchange."

"Evelynn, please. I know I wronged you—" I tensed, ready to summon. He moved towards me, but Mal was already there, pushing him back before he could get any closer. His hands were bound, making him unable to do anyone any real harm.

"Wronged me?" I repeated.

I took a threatening step towards him. I raised my arm, yanking up my sleeve so that he could see what he had done to me.

"You put his mark on me, you used merzost to bind me to him for the rest of my life!" The skin on my palms grew warm. I didn't have to look to know I had started to summon. "I begged you to stop, you wouldn't even look at me!"

A whirlwind of emotions blasted through me. Heating my body from the inside - out.

A gust of wind whipped through the room as my power grew more chaotic. 

My voice echoed across the war room. The angrier I got, the louder I got.

"You put a collar on Alina, you gave Aleksander access to her power, to my power! You had no right!"

David cowered away from me in fear.

"What I did was unforgivable, and I will regret my role in that for as long as I live, but p-p-please I need you to listen to me."

I shook my head, looking at him in disgust.

"Why should I believe a word that you say?"

His bottom lip started to quiver.

"I know you have every reason to distrust me, but I have no loyalty to General Kirigan, I swear!"

"H-H-He survived the Volcra?" Alina whispered.

Knowing he was alive and being told he was alive but someone who had seen him was two very different things.

David nodded, his face solemn.

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