Chapter 13: The Spinning Wheel.

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General Raevsky appeared shortly after, a dozen horses saddled and ready for us. Nikolai informed us we were going to a place he called 'The Spinning Wheel'. He told us it was where he worked on his inventions when he wasn't parading around as Sturmhond. We learned he had offered it up as sanctuary to Grisha and had been offering them shelter and protection. Despite the fact I was still furious with him, I felt the smallest bit of appreciation that he had gone out of his way to protect my people.

The spinning wheel was only a couple hours on horseback. I had instantly been drawn to a white horse that I had named Ena. I ran my finger through her long mane, taking comfort in being on a horse again. I suddenly felt a tight yearning for the horse Aleksander had gifted me back at the Little Palace, Koja. His mane had been as red as my hair, beautiful and thick.

Tolya and Tamar took the front, both talking quietly amongst themselves as they shared snacks. Mal and Alina had decided to ride together, taking up the back, while Nikolai and I rode side by side in the middle.

Every so often I'd catch him looking at me. I waited for him to say something, but he didn't. If he insisted on silence, he should have let me ride next to Mal and Alina. That way I could take the chance to ask them what they thought about all of this. I knew Mal was still furious, but did he agree that marrying Nikolai was the right choice? What about Alina, did she think I was in over my head?

"My jaw feels much better now, thanks for asking," Nikolai remarked, breaking the silence.

I scoffed. His jaw was the least of my worries.

"My sincerest apologies, your highness."

"Nikolai," he corrected. "But I've also been known to answer to 'sweetheart' or 'handsome'."

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to entertain him with a response.

"Here, I thought we had the beginnings of a beautiful partnership."

I gave him a sideways glance.

"Partnership'?" I repeated.

Is that what we had back on the ship? It wasn't a relationship, but it wasn't exactly a friendship either.

"Regardless, I'm sorry. I made mistakes but I was protecting the people I love. As Nikolai Lantsov, royal spare to the throne, there was nothing I could do for the people I love, for the people of my impoverished, war-ravaged country. Sturmhond on the other hand—".

"Was a pirate," I finished.

He groaned.

"Privateer, how many more times do I have to—".

I bit back a smile, reminding myself I was still mad at him for lying.

"How is that any more helpful than a prince?"

"A prince is a songbird in a golden cage. A privateer has freedom to cultivate alliances, develop technologies, gather intelligence. Besides, would you and Alina have gotten on my ship if I was flying the Lantsov flag?"

The only reason we got on his ship because it had no flag. Had it been the Lantsov flag, I probably would have burned his ship down with him inside.

"See, you might be angry with me, but you understand."

My thoughts must have shown on my face.

"Don't push it."

Evelynn, I needed to find you and Alina. You never would have trusted me, but you trusted Sturmhond."

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