Chapter 15: The Engagement.

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A servant found me wandering the halls and showed me to my room. To my complete and utter dismay, it had an adjoining door to Nikolai's suite. I shouldn't be surprised; Nikolai would likely announce our engagement tonight at dinner. It would look odd if I didn't sleep in the suite reserved for the partner of the prince.

Hand maidens appeared all at once. They ushered me into the bath, scrubbing at my skin and hair while talking quietly amongst themselves. I didn't complain, I didn't protest. Instead, I followed their directions with a quiet nod.

I found myself yearning for the company of Genya. She had always been the one to help me get ready at the Little Palace. We would laugh and drink tea while she used her tailoring skills to touch up my hair and face.

Once the maids were sure I was clean, I was ushered out of the tub and handed a silky white robe. I sat at the vanity, letting them pull and twist at my hair.

One of the maids reached for the face powder and I gave her a measured look. She gave me a quick, startled smile.

"You don't need much, I'll keep it light, I promise."

She stuck to her word, putting no more then a thin amount of makeup on my face. Though she seemed to be the youngest of the maids, they all seemed to follow her lead.

She was pretty, with long blonde hair and round, doe like eyes. She had a petite frame and a short stature, dressed in a simple maid's uniform.

"Would my lady like to choose her own dress?" she questioned; her voice soft.

I would like to forfeit the dress all together, but I knew I had appearances to make.

"You pick, nothing puffy or pink."

She smiled and hurried over to my wardrobe. She chose a green coloured dress that matched the colour of my eyes.

She helped me dress, placing me in a corset and then pulling the dress on overtop. She did up the various buttons and ties, smoothing out the dress and fixing the skirt underneath. I insisted on wearing my boots, refusing to slip my feet into the various heels that were laid out. It didn't matter what I wore anyway, the dress made it impossible for anyone to see my feet.

The neckline was modest, showing just the right amount of cleavage for someone who would be seated at the royal table. It had long sleeves that stopped at my wrists and a long flowy skirt that brushed the ground when I walked.

I moved my arms, making sure I could move freely and summon if I had to. We paired the dress with diamond earrings, and I retired my mother's necklace for the matching diamond pendant.

I looked at myself in the mirror, not recognizing the girl who starred back at me. The hand maidens had done their job, I looked like a royal posh who had spent her life in a cushy castle.

"You look beautiful, my lady."

"Please call me Evelynn."

She gave me an embarrassed smile, lowering her gaze.

"Of course."

"And you are?"

She looked up at me in surprise.

"Um, Mkenna. My name is Mkenna, but most people just call me Kenna."

"Well, its nice to meet you, Kenna. Thank you for helping me get ready."

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