Chapter 29: Morozova.

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We left at first light, each of us on horseback. Our first stop was Morozova's workshop. It was deep in the woods to the East, in a secluded location only Baghra knew about. She hoped that once we reached the workshop, we'd find out the location of the Firebird.

Tensions were still high between us, Mal had barley sparred Alina and I so much as a glance since we set out. Alina had told me about their fight. It had ended with him walking away, leaving her standing alone in the church.

As the forest path grew narrow, I decided to follow Baghra's lead and unmount, letting my horse trail behind me at a leisurely pace.

"I spoke more with Genya before we left," I announced. "She told me more about Aleksander's condition, she thinks he's dying. He tried to get Genya to heal him, but it wouldn't work."

"Yes, he's polluted with Merzost. It's the price he pays for creating those monsters."

"Alina's and I's sunlight seems to have some effect of them, but as of now we still have no way to kill them. We won't be able to get close enough to Aleksander, not with his Nichevo'ya. Nikolai has sent a team to retrieve a blade that's told to be able to cut through shadow."

"The Neshyenyer blade?" Baghra asked.

I nodded.

"When I spoke to David, he thought the only way to destroy Merzost, was with Merzost. Though he strongly advised against it."

"Merzost creates matter where there was none before. It is magic, it is not the small science. You will not know what price it demands until it is too late. Though I suspect with you, its much different."

I stopped walking, looking up at her.


"Merzost helped create you, I believe its given you a certain tolerance to its effects that the rest of us simply do not have, and I believe Aleksander will soon suspect it as well, if he has not already."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, you may very well be the answer to all his problems."

Realization dawned on me.

"I could heal him, reverse the ill effects that Merzost has taken on him."

"With you by his side, he would truly be unstoppable, Evelynn. It's imperative you understand the gravity of your situation."

I forced myself to keep walking, letting her warnings play over in my head. Alina must have sensed my distress, because she joined us on foot a few moments later, staying close to my side.

"What if we tried attacking him through the bond again, accept this time we strike harder. He won't trust me if I go to him, but if we wait and he comes to us then maybe—" I started. 

"He'll kill Alina before you could make a move, destroying your chances of tearing down the Fold. He knows your stronger with her at your side. Neither of you are strong enough to take him on as of now, especially not in your tethered space where he too has control of the narrative."

Baghra was right. Though I could summon sunlight now, it was still no where near to the extent I had seen Alina do it. The only way we could tear down the Fold would be together. It's why Baghra had warned me never to siphon from Alina, because the second I did, she became disposable in Aleksander's eyes.

"Not to mention there's still Sebastian," Alina added. "Somehow he was able to join our tethered space, for all we know he could do it again, use it to ambush us."

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