Chapter 25: The Tunnels.

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"Come to me, Evelynn."

I forced my feet to move. My heels clicking against the stone floor as I slowly made my way towards him. One day he would let his guard down, and when he did, I'd end this, all of it. It might take me years or even decades to do, but one way or another I'd end this war where it began, with him.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of a hidden figure moving in the darkness.

A small black sphere rolled out from the shadows. I slowed to a stop as I watched it roll right by the Nichevo'ya and stop at Aleksander's feet.

One minute the sphere was there, the next it exploded. A blinding white light filled the hallway, the force picking me up off my feet and throwing me back through the air. I hit the ground hard, a groan sliding from my lips as I struggled to stay conscious. I blinked through the haze of pain, looking up. The Nichevo'ya were gone, Sebastian and Aleksander were laying on the ground a few feet away. The stone where the sphere had been was scorned black.

The walls continued to shake as cracks appeared in the foundation. 

David stumbled out of the shadows, his clothes and hair askew, his eyes wide with urgency.

"Evelynn, we gotta go!"

David? How the hell did he get out of his cell and what was he doing here?

"We gotta go now!"

Pieces of debris started to fall from the ceiling as the cracks grew. I took David's hand, letting him pull me to my feet as I wavered on the spot.


Aleksander was struggling to his feet, his face contorted in rage. Shadows appeared around him, the Nichevo'ya forming fast. I turned and saw Sebastian, he was still on the ground, his dark eyes meeting mine from across the way. He blinked, his eyes flickering from black to blue. For a moment, he almost looked like the old him.

Do it, I heard him whisper. Please.

I realized there was no saving him. There was no way of bringing him back. I blinked back tears and raised my hands, letting the cut form in front of me once again. Instead of aiming for him and Aleksander I aimed up, watching as it sailed above their heads, hitting the already cracked ceiling.

David pulled me away, racing towards the caves as the ceiling collapsed around us. We dove through the ark way just as it all gave way, turning the hall into nothing but ruin and rubble. I didn't know if it would kill them, but I knew for certain there was no turning back.




The underground caves were a maze. Without David's guidance, I was certain I'd end up lost down here forever. He made a quick right and I looked up and saw a dead end up ahead.

"What are you—"

"It's here."

He carefully let me go and I leaned against the wall for support. My body was aching, and the pounding in my head seemed to get worse with each step.

David knelt down, running his hands through the dirt as he mumbled to himself. He stopped and pulled. I watched as he reveled the knob of a hidden hatch that led down into more darkness.

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