Chapter 8: The Sea Whip.

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Within minutes we had anchored next to the island. I retied the laces of my boots and braided my hair back, so it was up and out of my face.

"Any chance you'd stay on the ship if I asked?"

I faltered and looked up. Sturmhond stood there, he had changed clothes and armed himself with various pistols. His hair was messier then usual, as if he had spent time running his fingers through it.

Was he worried this would go wrong?

I scoffed.

"Why, does fancy cargo lose its value if it gets bruised?"

He moved closer to me and grabbed my arm.

"I'm serious, Evelynn."

I frowned, caught off guard by his words. I searched his gaze. I could feel his pulse jumping, he wasn't scared but he was worried. Was he worried about me? I suddenly wished I'd have practiced with more Heartrenders, maybe then I'd be able to get a better read on him.

"If you knew me at all, you wouldn't ask me that."

He moved impossibly closer, his grip on my arm relaxed but he didn't let go. My breath caught in my throat, his nearness making me loose all sense.

"I know you, Evelynn."

"You guys ready?" Mal asked, cutting in.

We moved apart and I looked up at Mal, hoping I didn't look as frazzled as I felt.

"Ready as we'll ever be."





We entered the cave on foot, weapons drawn. No one spoke. I could feel the tension in the air as we made our way deeper into the cave. The water level slowly rose, stopping just above my knees. I looked around the cave, and quickly realized it was the exact same one from my dream.

My pants and shoes were soaked. I kept my hands out, ready to summon at moments notice.

Sturmhond led the way, followed by Tolya and Tamar. I hovered nearby, keeping my eyes peeled for any sign of movement. A few crew members separated me from Alina and Mal who were farther back, taking up the rear. Despite the fact I agreed we should spread ourselves out, I wished I was at their side.

A soft splash echoed off the cave walls and Sturmhond raised his hand, signalling for everyone to be still.

I stopped, holding my breath as I listened for another noise.

"Grevyen, tell me. Anything in the water?" Sturmhond whispered.

The Tidemaker next to him put away his gun. I watched as he summoned, placing his hands together and pulling them apart. He placed his hand in the water, his face pulled in concentration.

The water was dark, making it impossible to see anything through its surface. It could be right next to us and we wouldn't even know.

"There are holes in the cave floor," Grevyen answered. "So be careful where you step, otherwise no."

"No, you can't tell or no there's nothing in there?" Mal questioned.

I glanced back at Mal, he had his spear gun at the ready, his finger hovering over the trigger.

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