Chapter 16: He's coming.

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The second dinner was over I fled from the ballroom as if it were on fire. I found Mal and Alina in the hallway outside of my room, talking in a corner with hushed voices.

Alina turned, sensing my nearness through our bond.

"That was incredibly romantic."

"Please, shut up."

"I still don't like this," Mal mentioned. Yeah, well neither did I. "There has to be another way of saving the Grisha and helping Ravka. One that doesn't include you legally binding yourself to an obnoxious prat."

"I'm open to suggestions."

Mal opened his mouth and closed it.

"The only way any of this even matters is if we find the Firebird and tear down the Fold. That way the people can stop blaming Grisha and Ravka can be whole again with a united leader."

Alina was right. Playing the role of political marriage would only help matters so far.

"Ravka will never be safe, not with Kirigan still alive. Even if you two do destroy the Fold, he'll never stop hunting you."

Aleksander was immortal, just like Alina and I. He'd spend eternity hunting us if he had too, maybe we'd be able to evade him in this life, maybe even the next, but eventually he would find us.

I remembered what he said to me when I saw him.

I will find you, Evelynn. I will travel to the ends of the earth if thats what it takes. You are mine and I will not rest, not until I have you again.

The memory sent chills racing up and down my spine.

I shook my head, as if somehow, someway I could shake the memory of him.

"First we focus on the Fold, once we take that away he'll have nothing left." I knew what Mal was thinking, he wanted to kill him. The thought had crossed my mind, I had even threatened as much to Aleksander. But talking and planning were two different things. "I've got to get out of this dress, can we talk more tomorrow?"

"Sure." Alina pulled me into a hug, holding me close. "Don't hesitate to come find me if you need me."

She meant if Aleksander showed up.

"Yeah, you too."

Kenna was waiting in my room for me. She helped me undress, taking the time to carefully undue all the buttons and ties. She sent the dress to be washed and helped me out of the corset. She insisted on dressing me for bed, going as far as to help me take my hair down and get the makeup off my face.

"I'll be back in the morning, if you need anything before then you can ask a kings guard to summon me anytime."

She did a quick curtsey and left, closing the door behind her.

I climbed into bed, sighing in relief as my head hit the pillow.




I dreamt I was back at sea. The water was calm, lapping lazily against the side of the ship. The sky was blue, not a cloud in sight. I could hear the seagulls in the distance. Everything was perfect.


Thunder boomed across the sky as the sun vanished, plunging me into sudden darkness. The waves got stronger, slamming against the side of the ship, rocking it dangerously.

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