Chapter 12: Marry me.

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"Is everyone okay?" Sturmhond questioned.

I forced my eyes open and found myself laying on my back, starring up at the ripped, ruined sails.

Sturmhond appeared in my vision, offering me a hand.

I sat up, biting back a groan as my muscles protested to the sudden movement. I took his hand, letting him help me to my feet.

"Are you okay?" he murmured, his hazel eyes checking me over for any injuries.

I was sore, a little bruised but nothing broken.

"I think so."

"You saved my life," he breathed.

It wasn't anything he wouldn't do for me. When the Sea Whip lunged for me had been there to pull me out of the way, when I got scared after fighting with Mal, he was there to catch me. He was always there, every time I needed him.

"You'd do the same for me."

He pressed his mouth against mine, smiling against my lips as he kissed me. I breathed him in, grateful he was alive and breathing. I just hoped that me saving him, didn't have any consequences.


I pulled away from Sturmhond, and saw Alina rushing towards me, tears welling up in her eyes. I met her halfway, pulling her against me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, I thought we could do it, I thought I just needed a little bit more—"

"It's okay." I held her close, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "All that matters is that everyone is okay."

"She's right." Mal came up to join us, hugging us both. "We're together and we're okay."

A loud horn sounded through the air. I pulled away from Mal and Alina and turned towards the sound. A dozen first army soldiers were making their way towards us, guns drawn.

I swore under my breath. Grisha were still seen as criminals to the first army, with the bounties on our heads, Alina and I would end up in chains before we could blink.

"Well, looks like we're about to enjoy a traditional Ravkan welcome," Tolya muttered.

Mal climbed off the ship first. I swung off after him, readying myself for another fight. Mal helped Alina down and we moved away from the ship, making sure we stayed close. I kept my hands at my sides, ready to summon whatever power I had left.

I counted at least thirty first army soldiers, none I recognized right off the bat.

Seven of us against dozens of them.

They got closer, stopping when they were a few feet away.

"You've crossed illegally onto Ravkan soil, identify yourselves."

"I'll handle this," Sturmhond muttered.

He turned, handing his pistols to Tolya.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

Sturmhond paused, catching my eye. He gave me a sad smile, a look of guilt flashing in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

Sorry? About what?

"Identify yourselves at once or be shot!"

"Have I really changed that much, Raevsky?" I watched as Sturmhond shed his blue jacket, reviling a uniform identical to the ones generals of the first army wore. "I know it's been a number of years, but people swear I remain boyishly handsome."

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