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Ayesha and her brother Zane were both packing. They're going back to where their childhood all started. Since their grandparents passed they're going back to their father since he was settled in ever since he got out of prison. But their mom is doing 7 more years. They loaded the car with everything they had after they were done they got in car driving back to their hometown.


7:12 am

They finally got to the house their dad came out he had the biggest smile on his face once they got out the car their dad came up to hug them

"I've missed you kids" he hugged them

"We've missed you to pa" Ayesha said

"Ay dad you growed you're hair out" Zane said

"I look good huh"

They both just stood there looking at him they then turned around grabbing their stuff out the car the dad laughed and helped them


Ayesha began putting her clothes away her room was still how she had it. After she was done she layed on her bed knocking out. She was tired after all.

11:04 am

As she woke up she got her clothes ready and went to take a shower. When she was done she went to the kitchen her dad was cooking breakfast. She sat down on the table

"How you sleep" dad asked

"Never been good, that bed is so comfy" she yawned

"Haha well what I was thinking is probably we could go buy some stuff for you're room and probably-"

"GO SHOPPING YES" Ayesha jumped

*Sigh* "If you want"

"Taking Ayesha shopping is like kids at a fucking candy store" Zane walked up sitting by Ayesha

"And you're a fucking dog shit on the floor" Ayesha said

"Ay kids watch yours mouth"

Ayesha side eyed Zane then looked away. Their dad served them and sat down to eat with them.

*They went shopping or everything*

Once they were unpacking the car Ayesha heard someone scream her and zane name she looked and saw a redhead girl with a curly haired guy. Zane and Ayesha both looked at each other


"Do I know you, you literally said my whole fucking name??" Ayesha said

"Jessica Hillz"

"OMG I'VE MISSED YOU" Ayesha hugged Jessica

"How have you been ohhh we got a lot to catch up on" said Jessica

"We do haha"

"Hi Zane" she smiled


Ayesha looked at the guy she saw that he look really familiar she then remember he went to Ayesha school when she lived with her grandparents but he wasn't going to school but him and Ayesha was really clothes

"Jeremias you moved here?"

"Yeah haha"

"Your a dumbass it really took you long to know that was Jeremias" Zane said to Ayesha

"Yes it did Zane you got a promblem with that?"

"Yes, I do it's cuz you're too fucking dumb"

"Says you"

"Damn you guys are still the same" Jessica said

"Tf is that supposed to mean" they both said

"Oh lord"  Jeremias sighed


They all were getting caught up with each other then Jessica was talking about this boy band she said they were having an concert and they should go. Zane and Ayesha just agreed Jessica was happy but Ayesha and Jeremias was talking more


Once they left Ayesha began redecorating her room



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They are dinner and watched TV with their dad. Once they were all getting tired they went to lay down. Ayesha took a shower and went to lay down she was thinking what she should wear for the concert.

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