With them

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Ayesha decided to go to a tattoo shop since she been wanting a other tattoo. All of them were sitting down waiting

"Witch one of you guys want to go first?" An guy said

"I'll go" Ayesha got up


Ayesha had got up from the chair she looked at her tattoo

(It has her family last name Monroe and she got it where this tattoo is located

Tattoo(It has her family last name Monroe and she got it where this tattoo is located ↓↓)

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Zane went next and he got his on his arm

(But he got it in this design and font

After when he was done Jess went and Jeremias with a other person they got what they wanted Ayesha sat there whole Zane went to go use the bathroom she began to what the tv and news had popped up

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After when he was done Jess went and Jeremias with a other person they got what they wanted Ayesha sat there whole Zane went to go use the bathroom she began to what the tv and news had popped up

"Tom kaultiz seen with a other lady, what had happened with Ms Ayesha Monroe?"

Ayesha had rolled her eyes they then began to show pictures of Tom with a other girl Ayesha had grabbed a magazine and begin looking through it


They all went out to eat they were having a good time talking and laughing

"This is the only tattoo I'm getting that shit hurted" Jeremias said

"Well you did get it on ur back" Jess had said

"Well on the side of my back" Jeremias bit into his sandwich

"It didn't really hurt" Ayesha said eating her food

"True" Zane glanced at her

"Ay Jess what did you get?" Asked Ayesha

"A big ass dragon on my back tbh it did hurt"

"Is it actually big?" Asked zane

"Yeah" Jess got up turning around lifting her shirt

"Damn it is big" mumbled Jeremias

"Shit big" Zane said



They had went to pick up some stuff for them selves then Ayesha dropped off Jess and Jeremias she then drove home. She had got off the car and carried the bags to the door dad opened it helping Ayesha. Once she was done she had sat on her bed. She then jumped up excited since she thought of something she then ran to the living room where dad and Zane were watching football

"Ok guys I thought of something!!" Ayesha jumped happily then sitting down

"Wsp?" Dad said still watching tv

"So yk how me and Zane have a whole week off!"

"Yeah?" Zane kept looking at the tv

"We're gonna be going to UK tomorrow for vacation since dad been in this wacky ass house" Ayesha smiled

"This wacky ass house is enough for me Ayesha" dad said glancing at her

"COME ON i already had picked out seats n got us tickets"

"Tomorrow?" Zane said

"Nah next year, no shit tomorrow I said that"

".. alright I'm down dad does need to get out the house"

"No im fine in the house" said dad

"DAD you're going" Ayesha said


"Come on we have to pack already" ayesha got up

"She like mom" whispered Zane to dad

"Yup" Anthony sighed getting up

They had all went and began packing. Ayesha was folding her clothes and she packed some of her new clothes

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