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"Alr dad where do yo-"

"A bar" dad smiled

"A bar... Really" zane looked at him

"Fuck yeah I'm trying to get drunk, and you kids should get drunk with me to"

"Dad we're 17"

"And?" Anthony looked at them

"... Alright I'ma get ready" Ayesha said

"Don't take long" said dad

Ayesha outfit

She sat down and began to do her makeup she then began to do het hair

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She sat down and began to do her makeup she then began to do het hair


She grabbed her purse and walked out

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She grabbed her purse and walked out. They went downstairs catching a cab


They say down music was playing in the background dad was talking to the bartender zane was already on his 3rd glass Ayesha was slowing down her drinking


Ayesha ended up drinking a lot, her and zane was already drunk dad was still flirting with the bartender

"Dad I'ma go outside for a breath ok" Ayesha whispered to dad

"Zane is gonna go with you"

"Mk" Ayesha got up

They went outside zane was leaning on the wall smoking while Ayesha stood there then she heard a group of boys she moved out of the way then one guy glanced at her

"Ayesha Monroe?" He said

"Uhhhh yeah? Ayesha looked at him

"Fuck can I take a picture with you"



Ayesha was taking pictures with the boys she started to talk to them she thought they were pretty chill zane was also talking to guys Ayesha thought one of the guys were cute



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She looked at him

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She looked at him

"What you're name?" Asked Ayesha

"Gustavo" he looked at her

"Oh ok" she smiled

He smiled at her. She took another picture with him but she kissed him on his cheek then another one of her putting his leg on top of him

"Alright Ayesha come on' zane said


"Ayesha come on" zane said in a mad tone

Ayesha looked at zane

"Here call me so we can hang out" Gustavo whispered to Ayesha

She smiled and went with zane

"Wtf is up with you z"

Zane ignored Ayesha and just followed him they went into the bar they sat down she then saw they boys Gustavo sitting down at the table he looked at her. He walked up to Ayesha they both began drinking zane was in the bathroom


Ayesha was dancing on Gustavo she was drunk and so was he his hands were on Ayesha waist moving as her body

"Ayesha! We're fucking leaving" zane said

"Zane br-"

"WE'RE FUCKING LEAVING" zane grabbed her arm pulling her


Ayesha was in her room she was mad that zane acted the way he did but she knew how he was, but she wasn't a little kid anymore she took a shower and had put her robe on laying down falling asleep

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