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The guys were at their dressing room but Ayesha and Zane were still at the hotel getting ready. Ayesha decided to do nothing until last minute

"Hurry Ayesha!" Zane said




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She got out. She did her make up and did her hair, when she was done she grabbed her purse and walked out with Zane. They took a cab there. They the walked into the building she saw people fixing the stage well setting it up

"Fuck Ayesha I have to leave" Zane said on his phone

"Why??" Ayesha looked at him

"Our manager, idk when I'll be back tell bill my bad that I left"


"Call me if you need me to pick you up ash"

"Okay Zane bye hoe" she waved walking away

She began walking looking at everything then someone came up to her

"Who are you?? You're not supposed to be here" he looked at her up and down

"She fine Adam" Gustav came walking up

The guy looked at Gustav he then walked away Gustav walked up to Ayesha

"Sorry about that" Gustav said

"It's alright, there still fixing the stage I see" Ayesha looked

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