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The concert was done while everyone was leaving Ayesha was looking for her lip gloss. Zane, Jessica and Jeremias was helping her by looking on the floor

"MY LIP GLOSS" Ayesha began to whine

"Ay, Ayesha w- we could buy a other one" Jeremias said

"No, that was limited edition" Ayesha began to cry

"We'll find it Ayesha just quite fucking crying please" Zane said looking for it

Ayesha cried more they all just looked at her Ayesha reached in her pocket she then pulled out her lipgloss. She stopped crying real fast

"Ayesha you had it the whole time what the fuck" Zane said

"... Like I knew"

"Well don't you think you could have checked in you're FUCKING POCKETS" said Zane


Zane just walked away Ayesha giggled. Tbh Ayesha was cold so she was glad that their heading home. They walked into a hallway she was behind everyone with a small mirror she tried to wipe her mascara off then someone bumped into her causing her to drop her mirror she saw it break

"Oh my fucking god my mirror" she said

She picked up and began to whine

"I'm sorry" said a guy

She looked at the guy and she saw it was Tom, he had a hand behind his head

"Ayesha right?" He said

"... Like I didn't just say my name into the mic" she said

"Haha" he laughed

"Haha" she sarcastically laugh "MY MIRROR BRO" she said

"Oh my bad I'll repair it, lemme see i-"

"If you don't give it to me by Friday, those fucking fingers of yours will be chopped off" she said giving him the mirror

He smirked at her. He then put the mirror in his pocket

"Alright then" he smiled

"Hmph" she sarcastically smiled

He couldn't help to laugh. She just looked at him he then grabbed her into a other hallway while putting her against a wall. She looked at him while he was towering her. He then whiled the mascara from under he eyes. He then put his hand under her chin lifting her head up. She looked at him he was smirking at her he was getting closer to her. She then put her hand on his chest he smiled. She then went to his neck she kissed it she then backed up then-

"YESHA?!" zane yelled out

Tom and Ayesha looked at way he then backed away she smiled and walked out the hallway

"Where tf were you, weren't you just behind us, you're always getting lost yesh" Zane sighed

"My bad Z"

"Hurry dad waiting for us" Zane ran

"Fuck you for making me fucking run in a skirt"

"Well only if you hadn't fucking wondered off"

Ayesha just ignored him they then got in the car

"Mona what happened? Have you been crying, are you ok Ayesha?" Their dad asked

"I'm fine"

"You're eye thing looks like you been crying"

"Dad it's called mascara" laughed ayesha

"Wtv it's called what happened??"

"She lost her fucking lipgloss and was about to throw a whole fucking tantrum, she cried cuz we couldn't find it and it turned out to be in her FUCKING POCKET" said Zane

"Oh god" dad shook his head

"Uh... Dad did you bring the sweats I'm literally freezing"

"Yes I brought em I knew you were gonna be cold"

"Oh lord thanks dad" Ayesha began to put them on

"Oh in the car Ayesha" Zane said


"Leave yours sister alone she just had a 'mental breakdown' " the dad laughed at the end

Zane laughed Ayesha just looked in the rear view mirror the dad laughed more so did Zane she just shook her head

"Are you kids hungry?" The dad chuckled

"Yeah" Zane said

"Ayesha?" Dad replied

".... Yes" she said

"We're just playing with you Mona, right Zane" dad looked at Zane

"N-" Zane said but dad elbowed him

"Fuck* yeah we're just playing with you yesha" Zane smiled

Ayesha just looked at them she rolled her eyes. They got some food and went home. They then began to tell dad about tom and bill

"Haha I knew them kids would be a star" the dad smiled

"They're good" said Ayesha

The dad smiled they then began to talk about something else then they all cleaned up after them selves Ayesha took a shower then went to lay down. She then fell asleep

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