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Ayesha was talking to Carlos and his son the other guys were playing the games they had there


"Haha right" the coach laughed

"Well I mean it's true coach" ayesha looked up at him


"Yes you should be very sure!"

"Haha, how are you and Jeremias?" Andrew asked (coach son)


"Yk what am I'm talking about"

"... No I do not literally"

"Oh god" Andrew sighed

"Haha he knows you guys are together" Carlos said

"Oh... Uh-" ayesha looked away


Tom was gonna walk up to Ayesha and was gonna hug her from behind he then heard what Andrew said

"How are you and Jeremias?"

Tom stood there

"He knows you guys are together" Carlos said

Tom then turned around walking away


"Oh...uh haha no we're not together he a friend and will always be a friend" Ayesha smiled

"You sure about that he seems to like you" Carlos said

"Yup, very very sure"

"You guys seem close yk" said Andrew

"We been friends when I started living with grandma right when I moved in he was grandma neighbor and he started talking to me when I was putting my stuff in the house he offered to help so"

"That boy definitely likes you"

"Andrew you're literally going to make me walk away" ayesha smiled

"You have you're mother beautiful smile, her dimples" Carlos said


"When is she gonna get out"

"Idk they pushed her release date more"

"Oh ok"


"Today on new York news a guy was rob his name Dave Becker was robbed yesterday now today. He stated they all had mask covering their face and the day before yesterday his car was found trashed.-"

Ayesha saw it the guy that held her tight

"Damn fuck his luck, whoever did that must really not like him" Carlos said

Ayesha looked towards Zane he was smirking he then began to drink his drink

"Be back" Ayesha said

"Alright "

"Zane Elias Monroe wtf" Ayesha said

"Wtv you said my whole name for I didn't do it yesh"

"Trashing his car?!"

"Oh no I didn't do that you didn't even tell me that isn't that the day it happened you were still at the concert "

She then just stood there she glanced at the guys Georg was smirking while eating a melon

"But you robbed him" Ayesha said.

" Probably not" Zane smiled

"Yes, you did that why I told you you look like a robber"

"Oh... Right"

She smacked his head she then walked to the other boys Tom wasn't there she asked and they said he went back to the hotel

"Oh god, anyway you guys trashed his car"

"... Yup" Gustav said

".... Oh my" she shook her head

"He deserved it tho" Georg said

"Yup he did" Gustav smiled

She walked away

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