The bodyguard

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She turned around and saw Tom going up to her


He kissed her she backed up into the bathroom then the door closed behind them Tom pushed her again the wall he went down to her neck she backed her head he then put one of his hand behind her head

"Tom.." she said

"Mm" he kissed her neck

He then put his hand on her arm where the bodyguard held on her at

"Ow Tom" she said

He backed up away he looked at her confused

"Sorry did I hurt you winter?"

"No it's just my arms hurt"

"Why" he grabbed her hand

He lifted up her sleeves and saw bruises he then looked at her

"The bodygua-"

He walked off when he got out the restroom he slammed the door Ayesha stood in the restroom she fixed her hair then walked out she walked back to the room she didn't see Tom or bill she looked at Georg and Gustav witch was knocked out on the couch

"Uh guys" Ayesha patted Gustav

"Gustav" Ayesha patted him again


Ayesha looked at Gustav confused so did Georg she jumped when she saw Georg awake

"Weren't you just sleeping" Ayesha looked at Gustav

"No I woke up when I heard you say Gustav name" Georg yawned

"Oh Ayesha scared me" Gustav put his hand on his head

"Sorry gus but... Where bill and Tom"

"I remember Tom coming in here looking pissed he then told bill something and they both went somewhere" Gustav yawned

"....oh ok" Ayesha sat down between the boys

Gustav and Georg fell back to sleep ayesha sat there then Zane called her


She got off the phone with Zane and the boys still weren't there. She then turned around and saw Georg sleeping she began to braid his hair since she was bored


She began to do Gustav hair by putting it in little ponytails


She was done with their hair she then sat there began to do nothing then Tom and Bill came into the room they looked at Ayesha

"Uhm wtf you guys were gone for long" Ayesha said

"Sorry, let me see you're arms" bill walked up to her

"Oh you guys are back" Georg said

"Yea- wtf you're hair" Tom said

"HAHAHAHA" Gustav laughed

"What?" Georg said

"Gustav you too" Tom looked at Gustav


Tom gave them a mirror

"Sorry guys I was bored" Ayesha said

They both laughed. Bill picked up Ayesha sleeve and saw the bruises

"Damn Ayesha what happened?" Gustav asked

"That bodyguard that took her out the crowd" bill said

"Mhm he grabbed me hard and I even told him multiple times but he told me to stfu" said Ayesha

Tom whispered something to Gustav and Georg. Ayesha just looked at them bill stood up. Georg, Gustav and Tom left the room Ayesha was confused

"They're going to put the stuff in the bus, we're going to a party in a little" bill said

"Oh ok"

"Yeah, let me see you're hands pearl"


The boys came back Tom was smirking

"Bus is here" Gustav said

They all got up and walked out.


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