Think twice

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Two days pass

Ayesha woke up she washed her face brushed her teeth and get ready to go to practice

"Ready Ayesha?" Carlos turned on his car

"Wym by that"

"We're practicing hard today we have a show not that far along we need to win, they're gonna be other good racers"

"I totally forgot about the whole race"

"How can you forget"

"To much stuff on my mind" Ayesha yawned

"True haha" Carlos laughed

Ayesha sat back while looking out the window


"How you feel Ayesha about the whole race it's almost here" Jeremias said leaning on his car

"I'm feeling alright, just trying to not stress about it but it's good coach is making us practice more"

"I agree, how are you since the whole thing yk, people are still talking about it"

"... It was just one time not like-"

"They have clips of when you guys were at a hotel, didn't you watch the news yesterday?"

Ayesha looked at Jeremias the coach came


They were finished with practice Jeremias and Ayesha were sitting at a small dinner eating then the news came on

"We have other clips of Ayesha Kali Monroe and Tom Kaulitz, this clip was in New York as you can see Ayesha and Tom are seen in the pool then the clip is cut off, the other clip is tom and Ayesha going into a room when at the party after the tokio hotel concert. They seen coming out of the room, what are these two teenagers relationship-"

Ayesha sighed while rolling her eyes then two girls walked by ayesha looking at her while they both glared at her ayesha looked at them she was about to get up then Jeremias put his leg in the way

"Ayesha sit down they're not worth it" said Jeremias

She sat back down and finished eating


Jeremias dropped Ayesha off she walked into the house with a glare from Christina ayesha rolled her eyes she walked to her room Zane was gone she then walked out

"Carlos where did Zane go?" Asked ayesha

"I heard him saying he going to meet up with a friend"

"Oh ok"

Ayesha went back to the room she grabbed her computer and began to do her school work


"Hello is this Ayesha Monroe?" A man asked

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