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"Be careful yesh" Zane said sitting on her bed eating chips

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"Be careful yesh" Zane said sitting on her bed eating chips

"Ik Z, but why ain't you going" asked Ayesha

"A gir-"

"Yeah yeah"

"Don't drink ayesha!"

"Ofc not father" ayesha turned around smiling

".... Yeah I'ma head to my room please call me if anything Ayesha, and still can't believe you knocked out a girl at the concert" Zane laughed at the last part

"I told her nicely and she decided to spit on me so she got what she deserved"

"Ah ha, I knew my whole classes wouldn't be for nothing" Zane playfully punched Ayesha arm

Ayesha made a face but she didn't show it, she didn't want to tell Zane after what crazy shit he'll do so she decided to not tell him she the laughed it off

"Well I'ma head out remember Ayesha!" He walked to the door

"Yeah yeah ik Zane"

He walked out the room then someone walked in

"Alright we're heading out" tom said looking at her up and down

"Ok I'ma just grab my purse"

"Mmm you look good winter" he walked up to her

"Nope" she put her hand on his chest

He bit his lip she walked out the room he closed her door she then walked to bill room he opened the door and he was still doing his hair

"I thought we were going already-" Ayesha said

"Bill said he was ready" Tom looked at bill

"JUST MY HAIR" bill said

Ayesha sat on bill bed Tom began to play fight with the other guys. Then all of a sudden they're laughing like hyenas. Bill and Ayesha looked at them they then looked at each other shaking their heads


They arrived at the party loud music was playing bill was already dancing Gustav and Georg went to the food bill and Ayesha began dancing tom then came up with drinks Ayesha looked but she took it anyways. Girls were all up of Tom and he was enjoying it Ayesha rolled her eyes and began dancing with bill


Many drinks later

Ayesha was was bill when a camera came over to them but they were wasted bill tried to act like he was okay

"How the party?" The guys asked

"I- it's fun very fun" Ayesha smiled and held on bill so she stand up

"Yup we're all having fun as you can see Tom and Georg and Gustav" bill nodded his head pointing to their direction

"Ayesha how did you think of tokio hotel performance"

"I loved it, they did great, they're music is magical" Ayesha said

"Wby bill"

"We did wonderful like we do everytime"

"Ayesha how do you feel about what happened during the concert with your whole incident"

"I very much told her nicely to watch out and she decided to spit in my face so she got what she deserved"

"What about how people think"

"Well that how they think she should of knew to not do what she did she was in the wrong if she even tried to get to Tom she shouldn't have done that, not my fault he likes me"

"Mhm" the guy nodded

"Are you guys drunk"  he asked

"Oh no of course not we don't drink" Ayesha and bill said

They looked at each other and laughed then Tom came up to them. They began to ask him questions

"How do you feel about the incident-"

"Oh man it was incredibly hot" tom chuckled as he nodded


Bill nodded to the music

"Tom,.. are you drunk"

"Ah no I'm fine" he put his 👍 up

Ayesha and bill looked at him and made a weird face

"That was weird Tom" bill said

"Not it wasn't" Tom replied looking at bill

"Yes.. it was" Ayesha looked at Tom


The camera guy walked away they then had a other shot

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