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They all were talking after dinner, Ayesha and Gustavo were really hitting it off. Tom would keep glancing at them. He tries to hide that he is jealous.


"I'll be back I'ma go use the restroom" Ayesha got up

"Alright" said Gustavo

She got up and walked away. She began walking around looking for the restroom. She then stepped on her dress almost causing her to trip

"Fuck bro this dress" she grabbed her dress lifting it up

She looked up to almost seeing she almost bumped into someone and that someone was... Tom, Ayesha looked at him he smiled at her she walked away but he grabbed her hand

"Ayesha" his soft voice said

Ayesha hearing her name get called like that she had missed Tom saying her name like that.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls" he said

"Well possibly cus you've been seen with different girls and that I was busy"

"... Well why tf does it matter go to yo-"

"Cause you made it clear that you had something for me and so did I and seeing that ur with different girl changed it all now let me fucking go" Ayesha pulled her hand away

She had walked away mad she went into the restroom she began breathing in to calm her down she then


She walked out she saw Gustavo he then walked up to her

"Are you okay Ayesha you been gone for 10 minutes?"

"Yes I'm fine sorry kinda got lost" she laughed

"Haha I get that this restaurant is fucking big" he chuckled

"Wanna get air with me I need it rn"


He grabbed Ayesha hand she looked at him they then walked outside. The night was cold the floor was wet liked it rain. They began talking Gustavo was making Ayesha laugh she needed it since yk


It was awkward silence between the two Ayesha was standing in front my Gustavo she was looking up at him and he was getting nervous cus of how Ayesha was looking at him she saw and she chuckled. She then pulled him in kissing him he grabbed her waist pulling her in. Her hands softly went on his cheek his hands began wondering her body. She had put hed hands on his chest

"Where Ayesha?!" Dad yelled at someone

Ayesha had pulled away looking at direction she heard Anthony yelled she then moved away from him

"Sorry" ayesha said

Gustavo chuckled Ayesha then walked that way with Gustavo behind her

"Ayesha where tf were you" Zane said

"I needed air sorry for not telling you guys"

"Sorry mr Monroe" Gustavo said

"Ah Gustavo i told you to call me Anthony"

"Sorry Anthony"

"Kids please tell me where you're guys are gonna go I was worried" Anthony said

"Ofc sorry Anthony" they both said

"We better go we have somewhere to go tomorrow" Zane yanwed

"I'll be in the car hurry up" dad walked away

"Bye Gustavo" Ayesha smiled

"Bye Ayesha and bye Zane"

"Bye Gustavo" Zane dabbed him up

They got in the car ayesha looked out the window seeing everything

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