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They finally arrived but it was like 3 in the morning they got off the van the hotel was big someone came out and grabbed their bags they walked in it was nice Zane then looked at Ayesha

"We're gonna have our own room ash alright?"

"I'm fine with that, all you fucking do al night is snore" Ayesha yawned

"Says you that mumbles *MMMM*" Zane mocked her

She elbowed him

"I do not"

"Yeah sure" he laughed

She rolled her eyes he then talked to the front lady Ayesha stood there as he was flirting with her Ayesha made a face *🥲* she then walked up

"We want two room please like now" she looked at Zane

"Can I get you're autogra-"

"No I want my room please" Ayesha said

"S- sorry" she handed Ayesha a key

"You can fucking stand here and flirt wit her all you want I'm going to fucking sleep" Ayesha walked away

"Alright goodnight"

"Night metal mouth"


She went to her room and got her suitcase she then began to put her stuff away she took a shower and then fell asleep



Ayesha woke up from loud banging on her door witch scared her she got up fast putting her robe on she looked at the peep hole it was some teenager

"Ayesha Kali Monroe?! CAN I GET YOU'RE AUTOGRAPH PLEASE" the boy yelled

She stayed quiet. She thought to herself how tf did he know she was in there she then made a man voice

"Excuse me who is this ayesha and why tf are you knocking on my door" she said in a man voice

"Ayesha ik it's you open up or else I'll break the door down" he knocked harder

"What the actual fuck is wrong with these fans of mine bro" she mumbled to herself

He began to bang the door. Well he was throwing his self on it. Ayesa backed up and looked for her phone every where she couldn't find it

"Oh fuck me" she said in a panic

"I WANT YOU SEXY" he yelled out

She made a face she then found it an saw it was dead

"Kill me now"

She hurried up and charged her phone and turned it on she then called Zane

"Why are you calling me so fuckin-"

"There a fucking guy at my room he trying to uh BREAK MY DOO-"

"HELLO oh Zane?!!"

The banging stopped she looked out the peep hole she saw Zane he had the guy on the floor Zane stood over him she opened the door the guy looked at her and smiled creepy

"You're gorgeous as the pictures" he tried to reach her

Zane kicked him causing him to hold his stomach Zane was mad

"Tf were you thinking to come to my sister room bitch" he kicked the guy again

"Fucking asshole" Zane said

Zane was cussing him out and kicking him Ayesha just looked at Zane. He then looked at her he stopped the guy was on the floor still Zane went by Ayesha

"You okay ash??" Zane said worried

"Fuck I'm fine but wtf" Ayesha looked at the guy

A security ran and looked at Ayesha and Zane the security guard got the guy but he looked Ayesha and smiled and waved

"Bro that guy is weird" Ayesha said

"Get you're room key and you're clothes of what you're gonna wear for today and come to my room" Zane said


Zane looked at ayesha she walked into her room and grabbed her key and clothes she closed the door they walked to Zane room they went in and Zane closed the door

"You're fans are something else yesha" Zane shaked his head


"Good that you called me, but we have the shoots tomorrow just get sleep I'ma get ready and go talk to dad and our manager, call me if anything yesha" he got up

"Ok Zane thanks metal mouth"

He shook his head Ayesha layed in his bed and fell back to sleep

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