Fuck it

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Ayesha woke up seeing that she was in a hospital she looked around and saw Zane and her dad sleeping on the couch she looked away then looked again seeing her dad

"Dad" ayesha said

"Ayesha, you're awake how are you, does you're stomach hurt, I'm sorry baby, fuck I'm so sorry" he said holding rubbing her head

"Dad I'm fine, but when did you come out"

"Carlos and... Someone else bailed me out"

"Someone else..?"

"Doesn't matter Ayesha, I was watching everything I'm glad that you made it out, Zane was crying I heard him saying something about everything you went through he gonna protect you from anyone and everything and that he promises" Anthony said 

"... Oh"

"I heard him crying and when I walked in he was sleeping"

"I'm sorry I really am, I didn't mean to make Zane cry"

"Ayesha it alright" Zane said

"Are you alright need water?"

"No I'm fine Zane"


Carlos and Andrea also Christina came in Carlos apologized to ayesha

"Carlos it fine, it was my fault please it fine" said Ayesha

"I'm glad you're okay honey" Andrea said

"Ayesha you did good" Andrew walked in handing Ayesha a bear

"Thanks And" Ayesha smiled

"She still smiling that good" Andrew rubbed Ayesha head

Ayesha laughed

"Ow, don't make me laugh my stomach" Ayesha held her stomach

"Mb" Andrew put his hands up

They all sat there talking to ayesha while Christina sat there dad saw she keep giving Ayesha an ugly glare.

They all left and Zane went to use the bathroom

"Ayesha" dad said

"Yes father"

"That whole thing with you and Tom, so you guys are"

Ayesha layed there hoping someone would walk in and someone did it was Jeremias and Jess Jeremias brought her flowers while Jess brang her donuts

"I haven't had these in so long thanks Jess" Ayesha hugged her

"Haha ik you haven't"

"Aw thanks Jeremy" Ayesha smiled

"Hey Anthony" they both waved at dad

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