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Ayesha leaned on her car just standing there looking straight

"He not getting to me" Ayesha said

Tom looked at her

She sighs

Tom then went in front of her again. Tom lifted her chin up to look at him he then kissed her slowly but she was rough

Tom laughs

Ayesha just looked at him

"Sorry snow haha, ima go to the bathroom rq I'll be back" tom walked away

Ayesha stood there yawning she needed to so something that will give her more energy she then heard a group of boys walking she opened her car door reaching for her dad knife they then came up to her

"You okay Ayesha?" A guy said

She let go of the knife and closed the door

"I'm fine thanks" Ayesha said

"You looked good up there Monroe" a other guy said

"You look rn" said another one

They began to flirt with her but mostly the one in the middle Ayesha walked up a lil so she won't lean on the car

"What are you doing out here alone" the middle guy said

"Waiting fo-"

"Eh tom" the other guy laughed

Ayesha glanced at him

"Oh he better looking than you" Ayesha said without thinking

The guys looked at her well they all looked at her

"He not you're boyfriend come on gorgeous let me take you out" the middle guy said

".. n-"

"Come on I'll treat you good gorgeous"

"I'm fi-"

"Oh yk you want me" he winked at her

Ayesha looked at him he smirked at her he was about walk up to ayesha then tom came up behind Ayesha hugging her from behind the guy backed up and looked confused

"You guys dating?" Asked the boy

Ayesha was above to answer but tom answered faster

"Yeah" tom said

The boys looked shocked so did Ayesha

"Let's get going" tom looked at Ayesha

She turned around opening the car door tom then got in Ayesha turned on the car she then looked at him tom kept looking forward


It was around 8 pm and they were at a park playing. They were having fun to the point they forgot the time and left their phone in the car Ayesha looked at tom while he was on the swing

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