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They began packing up Zane was in his room and Ayesha was in her. Anthony gave back Ayesha her phone and donuts once she got her donuts back she ate all of em. Jeremias was also in Zane room ig helping him and Jessie was in ayesha room talking about this boy and also helping her

"He sounds like a asshole tbh Jessica" Ayesha said

"But he so sweet and handsome"

"As long as you're happy jess"

".... Wow OK" jess looked at Ayesha

They both laughed ayesha was done then Jessica hugged her

"I'ma miss you A" jess hugged Ayesha

"Haha it's just for a week Jessica"

"Ok and"

"Haha I'ma miss you too"

Zane and Jeremias came in her room Jeremias then said bye to her he gave her his bracelet she just looked at him. He knew she wasn't gonna be gone forever so why is he giving her his bracelet she just shrugged her arms and let him put it on her. They then began to walk to the living room their dad served them food they ate them Ayesha went to get dressed


She wanted to me comfy since they're going to be riding in a bus. She then put her beanie on

Anthony and Zane was in the car and Jeremias parents were outside Ayesha and Jeremias were in the living room talking Jeremias pulled in Ayesha by her stomach she giggled he laughed Jeremias then kissed her he then began to put his hand under her sweater and her hand were behind his head he then put her against the wall then Anthony honked they stopped and laughed they walked outside

"Bye Jeremias" ayesha waved at him

"Bye aysh"

She got in car Zane turned around and looked at her she looked at him confused

"What" she said

"Tf was taking you so long"

"Saying goodbye but also looking for my headphones"

"Ayesha let me find out you're having sex"Anthony said

"Oh no ofc not father" she said looking at him

He turned around to look at her she smiled at him zane just shook his head they then began to drive


"Oh my kids I love you both please be safe" Anthony hugged them

"Ow dad you're uh... Hurting me" said Ayesha

"Yeah dad we love you too but uh squishing us a lil to much" Zane said

"Oh my bad kids, haha" Anthony laughed

"When I call you guys better fucking answer!"

"Oh what a change in mood" Ayesha stood there

"For real" Zane looked at ayesha

"Just please answer and Zane you better watch you're sister or else you're fucking car collection will be taken away"

"Ok dad fine"

"We'll answer you dad love you" Ayesha hugged him

"Love you dad" Zane said

"Bye kids love you"

"Bye father" they both waved at him

They saw Anthony took pictures of them Ayesha them posed for them so did Zane dad laughed people were looking at them.

"Fuck you looking at" dad yelled

People looked away they both laughed people then came up to them to get their autographs. They then went to back to wait for their train Ayesha then bumped into a guy he then caught her

"Sorry I'm just in a rush" he said

She looked at him and smiled he looked adorable

"It's fine"

"Wait you're the racer huh Kali Monroe??"

"Yeah haha"

"I'm sorry but can I get you're autograph" he got his hat

"Ay I don't got a pin it's fine" he said nervous

"It's fine I got a pin" she took his hat

"Thank you" he said

"No problem" she smiled at him

He walked away she saw he dropped his drum sticks he saw he was running to this group of people

"Fuck me for running" she sighed

She ran after once she got to him

"You dropped these" she gave them to him

"Thanks again I was about to go crazy since I saw I didn't have them"

She laughed she then saw bill and Tom they looked at her she then looked at the guy.

"Drummer for Bill" she looked at him

He nodded

"Been calling you Ayesha haven't answered" Tom said

"Well maybe that cuz I WAS FUCKING GROUNDED"

Bill and Tom just stood there *🧍🧍* she smiled

"Bye guys"

"Oh Ayesha here" tom gave her the mirror

"Omg thanks I needed this"

He smirked at her she then walked away she waved at the guy with the hat he waved back

"Was that Tom and Bill"

"Yeah, their drummer guy dropped his drum sticks so yk"

"Oh ok well hurry our bus is here"

"Oh ok"

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