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All the other guys went to get ice cream Ayesha and Tom were playing ball.

"Won again" Ayesha laughed

Tom threw the ball somewhere, Ayesha began laughing then Tom went up to her. She then stopped laughing looking at him

"Pink suits you" Tom smirked

"Thanks" Ayesha smiled

"You're attractive winter"  he said softly

He grabbed her by the waist pulling her in. She put her hand on his chest he then went in kissing her he then went down grabbing her behind. He began to kiss her neck. He then turned her around


They all sat down eating ice cream Ayesha was covered in a towel with her legs crossed. They began talking of what they should do for tomorrow.

"Oh ayesha" Zane said


"Carlos (Ayesha coach) is having a party for the big day remember?"

"Oh yeah... he here?!"

"He got here yesterday"

"Oh ok well what time"

"6 pm"

"Ok well if that what we're doing tomorrow" Ayesha began eating her ice cream

"I totally forgot Ayesha a racer" George and Tom said

Bill, Gustav and Zane looked at them

"How could you forget" they said


"She doesn't seem like the racer type yk" Tom said

"... True" Georg said

Ayesha looked at them.

"Why are you guys looking at us like that..." Tom said

They then began to eat their ice cream shaking their heads


Ayesha was in Zane room

"Where you heading off to now?" Ayesha sat on the couch looking at him

"I have to go pick up something they act like they can't fucking mail it" zane sighed

"Oh.... dressed like that"

"What wrong with my outfit Ayesha hm 🤨" Zane looked at her

"You literally look like you're gonna rob someone"

".... Oh well hopefully other people don't think that"Zane put on his shoes

"Pretty sure, anyways have you talked to dad? he hasn't answered any of my calls or he hasn't called me"

"Same but he probably busy with work"

"... I'ma try call him again" Ayesha began calling Anthony

"Nope, he still not answering"

"I'll try and if I get a hold of him I'll tell you call you"


"Well I'ma go be back whenever" Zane walked to the door

"Ok be careful asshole"

"Yeah yeah" he walked out


Ayesha took a shower and layed in Zane bed. He still hasn't came back witch worried Ayesha she then began to put on some TV she just layed there watching tv she then began to doze off she got turned off the TV and walked to her room she went in there slamming the door behind her

"Oh fuck sorry" he said

She put her robe on and layed down knocking out since she was tired

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