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It was the big day. Ayesha and Jeremias were practicing over and over and over. Carlos would time them then make them go faster. Carlos and Andrew were pushing Jeremias and Ayesha. The whole thing with tom saying him and Ayesha were together was on the news but Ayesha told Zane about what happened

Everyone was shocked, Jess and Jeremias well Jeremias had a cold face when he found out Christina started to not like Ayesha more. That whole news thing pointed more attention to tom and Ayesha causing paparazzi to be everywhere they were


Ayesha had put on her suit she walked to the mirror looking at herself. She heard everyone cheering and whistling she sighed she grabbed bed helmet while she was walking out she felt hurt that her dad couldn't be there. She had put her helmet on when she walked out she saw the whole stadium full with people they were yelling she then waved at the camera with showed everything on the big screen

She walked to her car witch was by Jeremias there was a guy talking she saw Zane with Jess and some of his friends Zane looked happy. She then glanced and saw tom, bill and everyone she then walked up to them

"Nice helmet" tom nocked on Ayesha helmet

She took her helmet off laughing

"Good luck Ayesha" bill said

"Do good Kali" said Gustav

"Thanks and ofc" Ayesha chuckled

"You look good in that outfit snow" tom mumbled to Ayesha

She rolled her eyes

He then leaned in to kiss her Ayesha kissed him then leaned back

"Bye guys" Ayesha waved while running away

"Bye good luck" they all said

Ayesha smiled and ran back she had put on her helmet

"Good luck yesha" said Jeremias getting in his car

"Thank, you also Jere" Ayesha sat in her car

Ayesha been working hard since she knew who she was going against. Elias Vale, Paul Hants and Fritz Otto and a other car she didn't know who was. She knew they were all good at what they did but she didn't know about that one car since she didn't knew who was driving if.

She kept her feet on the gas and her eye on the guy. She took a deep breath she heard people whistling, yelling and clapping she felt like everything was going slow around her

She saw the guy wave his flag she then pressed on her gas she kept her head straight she behind two people. She was behind Jeremias she saw the others trying to go one the side on her but she moved their way she then pressed her gas harder causing her to go by Jeremias side


Just two more laps, she was in front she drift almost hitting the breaks she glanced and saw Paul on the side of her she then grabbed the steering wheel turning it hard.

Just one more lap Paul was on her ass right behind her that made her anxiety rise but she kept going there was a sharp turn she turned fast causing her to loose control her car begin to turn causing the other cars to go around her. She tried to grab the steering wheel but she couldn't the car was spinning

She heard screaming. A lot of screaming. She grabbed the steering wheel and tried to control it but she couldn't she then felt a car hit her on the side she felt the car flying

"Oh fuck, oh fuck" she mumbled

She crashes into a other car witch made flip over the car and crashed into the wall she felt weak her head was hurting and her stomach. People were screaming like crazy she didn't know was was going on she felt herself getting light headed

"AYESHA" Carlos yelled

"Zane stand back back!" Andrew yelled

"SECURITY" a women yelled

"Let me fucking go" Zane yelled

"AYESHA" Zane started to cry

"AYESHA PLEASE" Zane voice cracked

She felt hot, really hot


Carlos stood there looking at the car while it was on fire he couldn't see Ayesha, he just stood there. Zane was sobbing trying to escape the security tom hopped the gate but people were standing there trying to not let people get through

"Why are you guys just standing there get her out!" Bill yelled

"Wtf the car on fire get her out!!" Tom yelled

Gustav and Georg was looking at the tv while the camera man recorded the car


Ayesha began to cough she then saw the fire she then managed to get out of the car everyone was standing back Ayesha got up taking off her helmet taking deep breaths everyone was shocked Zane ran to her he whipped his teats

"Ayesha" he hugged her

"I'm sorry, i- I" she coughed

"Are you ok" he looked at her

"Mhm" she mumbled

Zane looked at her stomach where she was bleeding Zane looked up at her

"Ayesha are you not feeling the pain on you're stomach?!"

"Im fine-" she mumbled then fell to the floor

Zane grabbed on her

"CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE" Zane yelled in a panic tone

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