Lazy day

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Ayesha woke up around 1 pm she looked at her phone dad was calling her crazy and so did Zane she got up calling Zane back

"Ayesha wtf why haven't you been answering you ok?? They didn't give me a key to you're room I was worried like crazy"

"I'm tired Zane I just woke up" Ayesha yawned


"And tbh I'll probably go back to bed anyways I have to call dad bye hoe" she hanged up


She got done talking to her dad she then brushed her teeth and went back to bed. She put on TV and saw the news talking about ayesha and Zane together with tokio hotel. She then changed the show and put fear factor on. She got up and grabbed her donuts then layed back down.

*Knock knock*

"Omfg I just layed down" Ayesha got up

She opened the door and saw Tom she sighed

"Yes tom"

"Bill and the others left me so I decided to come to you're room"

"How tf do yk where my room is-?"

"Eh I got ways" he walked in there

"Oh ok just walk in" she mumbled

He sat on her bed and began watching fear factor she just looked at him

"Yeah just make yourself comfortable" she sarcastic said

"That what I'm doing" he grabbed one of her donuts

"UH I THINK NOT" She grabbed the box he just looked at her

"Uhm... What was that for.."

"These are MY DONUTS"

".. sharing caring winter" he tried to get the box

"Not with my donuts dread"

He just looked at her. She smiled at him

"I told you to not call me that 🧍" Tom stood there

"Well... To bad DREAD"

He then walked up to her she then hopped on the bed standing on it he looked up at her. He then tried to grab her she jumped off the bed. He grunted as she laughed he then began to chase her around the room. She was about to get on the bed but Tom grabbed her legs causing her to fall on the side of the bed Tom let her go an stood there scared. But he then began to chuckle

"Ow..." She said

"Haha" he giggled

"IT'S NOT FUNNY" She got up

He ran to the to the door about to open it then Ayesha threw a pillow at him causing him to fall. She then laughed he threw the pillow back Ayesha grabbed her sandle and threw it at him

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