We're here

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They got off the plane they got a cab and drove to their hotel. When they pulled up it was nice

"Damn this shit look nice" dad said

"Thanks to Ayesha" said zane

They got off the car getting their suitcases they went in they all got their keys and went up to their room Ayesha had left her bag downstairs she had ran she looked and it was still there she got it and walked to her room she the bumped into someone causing her to drop her bag she scoffed they had picked up her bag and gave it to her she looked up and saw Gustav she just looked at him he smiled

"Nice to see you Kali" his soft voice said

"... Gustav" she hugged him

"Oh-" he said confused hugging her back

"Oh I've missed you guys" she looked at him

"We've missed you too Kali, you look different"

"Oh haha yeah"

"What brings you here?"

"I'm taking my father out so vacation, wby?"

"Shoots and performance"

"Oh ok..... Are you guys all in this hotel?"


"Mhm, well see you later Gustav" she smiled walking away

"Bye Kali" he smiled

She walked to her room, she knows that Tom is here she just keep thinking she had walked into her room closing the door behind her. She had went to take a bath since she needed it

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