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"Oh come on Ayesha you can go faster" Jeremias tapped Ayesha car as she got out

"Oh fuck off let see who wins, and who wins has to buy the other person food" ayesha smirked

"Haha fine" Jeremias got in his car

They both got in the car they then parked at the starting line. Their coach and the coach son both stood outside their office looking at them

"Them kids are wild" the coach said

"Haha I like them both, they're really good actually" the son replied

"Ik, Ayesha improved herself and Jeremias showed me over the years of what he capable of"

"READYY.. 1.... 2........ 3!!!" The person yelled in the middle

Ayesha was using everything she had Jeremias was right behind her she turned her hands were grabbing the steering wheel hard. Jeremias then went on the side of her. He went in front of her

After 3 laps

"Ayesha won" laughed the coach

She blew a kiss at Jeremias he smirked

"Now you're gonna have to buy me food" she smiled

"We'll do another one and you're gonna have to buy me food darling" Jeremias looked at her

"Oh suree" Ayesha said sarcastically

"Alright kids now come on Andrew (coach son) gonna coach for today cuz I have an appointment to go to" coach said

"Alright coach"

"Andrew remember what I told you" the coach walked away

"Uh... Wtf does he mean by that" Ayesha looked at Andrew

"Eh idk anyways hurry you're ass's up" Andrew walked to their cars


Ayesha came out exhausted she saw her dad sitting on the couch she put her bag of food on the table she then sat on the couch

"I'm so tired, the coach told Andrew that we had to replace the tires on our fucking car and change our fucking oils, Jeremias was doing perfectly fine but fuck me, Andrew said he didn't know what coach told him his fucking lying ass" ayesha sighed

"Ayesha Kali Monroe" their dad said

"You said my whole name... I swear I didn't do anything wtv it is it has to be Zane fault"

Ayesha looked at her dad he then took out a small medium piece of paper out of his pocket. She looked at him confused

"Uhm dad it's a piece of paper?"

"I can see that" Anthony said

She looked at him confused he then gave her the paper

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