Camera man

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They went to talk to their manager about what to bring and the outfits and shoots and what time it's starts.. They walked out the building and camera man came up to Ayesha

"Psh Zane looks good cuz of me but I look better of him" Ayesha said to the camera

*In the car*

Music was playing Zane and Ayesha we're taking pictures in the car the camera man was just recording them. They then both grabbed their sunglasses they got out of the van and began to walk around. At this point they were both hyper and they'll go up to random people

"Hey you! HEY" Ayesha yelled

"Huh me?" A guy said

"..... Yeah who else🧍‍♀️" said Ayesha

"Oh my bad"

"Anyways you see that guy over there" Ayesha looked at Zane while he trying to get gumballs from a machine


"I dare you to go up to him and ask if you could his phone then call someone under ANT and tell him his son is eating ice cream"

"Haha alright"

Ayesha ran behind a tree while the camera man ran behind her recording Zane. The guy got Zane phone and called someone. He then ran across the street Ayesha laughed causing her to trip over her pants she high fived the guy they left them Ayesha walked up to Zane

"Bro that pizza across the street is bomb"

"And you didn't bring me some"

"No" Ayesha said

Zane phone then ranged he took it out his pocket

"Oh it's dad" Zane said answering it putting it on speaker

"Hey dad-"

"Why are you eating ice cream?! If you're teeth fall off-" Zane took Anthony off speaker

Zane walked away talking to dad Ayesha laughed then someone bumped into her

"Why is everyone bumping into me-" Ayesha said

"Ayesha hi" bill said

"Oh bill" Ayesha smiled

He looked at her up and down

"Who that -" Tom walked up

"Ayesha you're outfit looks good" Tom smirked

"Hehe I know, jp thanks"

The camera man was still recording bill and Tom saw it

"Oh my bad we're uh vlogging igz that what Zane said"

"Cool" bill smiled

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