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Ayesha woke up around 5 packing up her stuff she was still mad about the whole tom thing she glanced at the mirror she broke while throwing a heel at it she shook her head then contining to pack her stuff


She got out of the shower and got dressed


She brushed her hair and grabbed her hat since it almost sunny outside she then did her makeup


She put on her sunglasses on she then walked to Zane room with her suitcases. She would glance at the boys room she then looked back

"Alright let's go" Zane closes the door

The bodyguards had already left they walked in the elevator they just stood there Zane looked at Ayesha arm

"They're going away" he said


"What are you gonna say when dad see em" Zane asked

".... He gonna be mad oh god, but I'll tell him"

"Dad crazy yesha"

"Ik Zane and I can see how he'll react"

"I'll be there so he won't get too crazy"

Ayesha stayed quiet. They got out of the elevator they saw people outside the hotel with cameras Ayesha shook her head Zane looked at them the bus was behind them. He then got on the phone Ayesha looked at him

Zane then gave the keys to lady from the front

"Alright come on" Zane said walking a other way

"Uh.. ok" she followed him

They went from the back of the hotel the van was there waiting for them once they began putting their stuff in the van a heard of people came running

"Wtf it's too early for this shit" Ayesha sighed while sitting down

"Fr it's 5 in the fucking morning how tf do they have this much energy"


"ZANE MY HUSBAND" 2ng girl yelled

"ZANE IS MY HUSBAND" 3rd girl yelled

"AYESHA BABY" a guy screamed

They both looked at each other making a face they shook their heads Ayesha grabbed her phone and tried to call her dad again but it said the same thing.

"Nope still says the same thing Ayesha" Zane said

"Ugh dad wtf is up with you"


They both sat down while waiting for the 2nd bus Ayesha had fallen asleep while Zane sat besides her. He then saw Noah Zane keep staring Noah had two girl side by side he watched as Noah was laughing and touching both girl he then walked into a bus.

Zane saw that he had 2 bodyguards with him they all went into a van while a guy is putting suitcases in the trunk


"Ayesha come on the van is here" Zane shook Ayesha

"Ow fuck you're shaking me all hard and shit" she said snatching her glasses on the floor

"Well if it did soft you're ass wouldn't have woken up"

"Yes, I probably would have" she got up glaring at him

"We both no you wouldn't have" said Zane

She rolled her eyes whole grabbing both her suitcases and her bags they got into the van while someone was putting the suitcases in the trunk she then looked at zane neck

"Zane look up" Ayesha said


"I want to see you're tattoo LOOK UP"

"Damn calm down ok"

She got up looking at it

"How it feel?"

"Still fucking hurts my throat hurting like a bitch"

"Tbh same"

"Look up yesh"

"Well shi it's probably gonna take like a day or two for it to heal" Zane said

"Probably" Ayesha sat down


*6 pm*

They got up the van getting their suitcases they walked to the taxi that was picking them up

"I can't wait to see dad!" Ayesha jumped

"Me neither ima talk to him about why he hasn't been answering us"



They arrived at the house they looked and their car wasn't there they walked to the door and opened it the house was all dark inside

"Dad?!" Zane yelled out

Ayesha began looking around she looked at the kitchen and everything was good she walked to Anthony room and opened the door she didn't see him there but his bed was messed up

"His bed is messed up, he probably left and gonna be right back" Ayesha walked to Zane

"He left his phone here" Zane said

Ayesha began worrying then someone walked in

"Carlos?" Ayesha said

"Hey kids... Uhh you're dad.."

Ayesha and Zane looked at him confused but panicked

"He in jai-"

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