Kiss, probably more

175 3 1

*7:00 am*

Ayesha woke up cuz Zane called her to bring him his donuts since Ayesha stole them from him. The shoot starts 9 so Ayesha doing her make-up then someone knocked on her door

"Zane I did not eat the strawberry shortcake one bro" Ayesha said

"Haha it's me bill"

"Oh my bad" Ayesha opened the door

Bill saw that she was in underwear and a tank top Ayesha closed the door

"I uh..." Bill said

"Oh sorry" ayesha put her robe on

"It's fine"

"I came to say good look with yours shoot I brought you a pink charm it's for good luck" bill gave her the charm

"Aww thanks bill" she hugged him

They both sat on the bed. They just sat there bill then leaned in to kiss her he then backed up

"Sorry Ayesha.." bill said

She just looked at him and smiled she then went up to him and kissed him. She then layed down causing him to go on top of her. He was between her legs she put her hand behind his head. Her robe began to untie causing it to open she then went on top of him but they were still kissing she then went down to kiss. He grabbed her waist, the room lights were off but the sunlight from outside was barley brighting the room. His hands went up

"Mmm" she mumbled while kissing him

She took off her robe and placed it besides her on the bed. She put one of her hands on bill stomach

*Knock knock*

They still were kissing, they didn't care who at the door


"WHO IS IT?!" Ayesha said still on top of bill

"Who tf else dumbass" Zane said

"Omg wtf do you want Zane??"

"Are you getting ready already ash?"


"Alright I'll come over here again when we're heading off"


"Also can I come in"

"No" she got off of bill

"What do you need?" Asked Ayesha

"You ate my fucking strawberry shortcake donut"

".... I didn't"

"How tf did it just disappear, did it magicly grow legs and walk off"


"Oh my god you fucking owe me one"

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