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"Ayesha are you drunk?" Asked tom


"Fuck where is she man Ayesha I swear if anything happened to you" Zane said in a worried tone

"Still haven't found her, she not over here by the park" Carlos said over the phone

"No, check the jail"

"I did"

"UGHH MAN FUCK she better be ok man I swear"

"She is Zane, she a strong girl"

"But if she drunk?!"


"See we need to find her Carlos"

"Ok Zane we will relax"


"Where are you butterfly?" Asked tom


"Ayesha where are you???"

She was crying, her hand was in pain tom could hear her cries over the phone

"Ayesha please tell me where you're at"

"Billa Liquor Store" she said

"I'm going don't hang u-"

Her phone had died she opened the other box of beers and began to drink em while looking outside she just sat there mad at herself for letting Christina say what she had said she grabbed two more of the cans chugging both she then grabbed the last two chugging them also

Once she was done with the both boxes she sat there then someone knocked on her window she jumped and looked it was tom she just looked at him

"Open the door Ayesha"

"What if you try to steal me" she chuckled

"Haha, I won't do that Ayesha" he laughed

She opened the door she grabbed the keys tom noticed the 2 box's of beer

"You're drunk winter"he looked at her

She shook her head no. Tom helped her to the car he then sat behind the car with her she began dozing off. He just looked at her, her face puffy and red he then looked at her hand witch was red he then took off his shirt wrapping Ayesha hand


Tom helped Ayesha off the car he took her to his room he smelled the beer from her breath. He helped her take off the hoodie and her shirt he grabbed one of his shirt and put it on on Ayesha. She got up taking off her sweats he then turned around

"You act like you haven't seen me naked before" she laughed

He laughed he handed her one of his sweats she put it on she then layed back down


She told tom everything well she was drunk she couldn't think straight she blurted out everything Ayesha began to fall asleep

"Thanks tom" her soft voice said

"Ofc princess" he said back in a tired tone

She got up leaning in to kiss him she then kissed him she layed back down causing him to be on top of her she then tried to take his shirt off (he had put a other one on) he then stopped getting off of her

"You're drunk Ayesha, you need sleep" tom said standing up

"Can you stay with me please?"

"Ofc" he smiled

He turned off the light then layed by Ayesha. Just her knowing she had someone by her side helped her sleep better

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