Home again

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Two years later

Ayesha and Zane were traveling and traveling for work. They had finally came home where dad was. He been doing good and way much better. Ofc the whole Ayesha and Tom thing went silent since they haven't been seen together cuz Ayesha was always gone but Ayesha got the tattoo they got together


They had got the tattoo on bottom waist they had each other initial under it

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They had got the tattoo on bottom waist they had each other initial under it. Tom had tried to reach her but she would never answer his calls. She would see on the news that Tom was with different girls everytime she saw him on the news. Jess and Jeremias would keep in contact with both of them. The whole drinking in the car did kinda affect her career they saw Ayesha for getting real drunk and not handling it but she had made it work out.

She had put her stuff in her car and Zane had put it in also they then got into the car

"Zane when tf are you gonna get ur car" Ayesha looked at him

"I have my own car"

"Bit- and where tf is it"

"The car shop"

"Psh, doubt it" Ayesha began driving

Ayesha was driving she then saw Noah packing his car but with a lot of girls in the car Zane they looked what she was looking at

"Noah hm" Zane said reaching on the side of the seat

"Zane really there people here" Ayesha glanced at Zane


"... Put that shit away" Ayesha keep looking at Noah

"Ayesha you can do better"

"Ik" Ayesha looked forward

"It's good being back" Zane yawned

"Right, all we have been doing is fucking traveling"

"Yup, we haven't spend time with dad since our last celebration"

"Ugh don't mention it I feel so bad" ayesha sighed

They arrived to Anthony house their dad came out hugging them both

"My kids, I've missed you badass kids" dad hugged them

"Haha we've missed you to ant" they said

"Let me help you guys, I made soup"

"Ugh thanks dad"


Ayesha had unpacked her stuff she had ate and they spent time with their dad. Ayesha took a shower and layed down the she woke up to hearing her door slam open she got up fast

"AYESHAAAAAA" Jess jumped

"Jess? It's literally... 1 in the morning"

"I really don't give A FUCK, you're here I've miss youuuu" Jess hugged her

"Yeah I've missed you too" Ayesha yanwed

"She came into my room like this also I'm surprised dad ain't up" Zane leaned on Ayesha door frame yawning

".... How did you even get in Jessica" Ayesha looked at Jess

"You're dad came me and Jeremias a spare key" Jess smiled

"Where Jeremias?"

"I'm here mb!" Jeremias rushed into the room with bags full of stuff

"Here Zane this for you and this for you yeah" Jeremias gave Zane and Ayesha a bag

"Aw thanks jery you didn't need too" Ayesha looked at him

"Well shit I haven't seen you guys in fucking ever"

"True" Zane shrugged his shoulders

"Thanks Jeremias doe" Zane smiled



They all decided to sleep in Ayesha room

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