Chapter 1

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Bella's pov

The sun was shining brightly trough the window, typical me forgetting to close the blind before bed. After a few minutes of gathering the strength to leave my all to comfortable bed I made my way to my bathroom freshening up for the day.

The house was quiet as always while I made my way to breakfast. As I enter the kitchen I see Severus in his usual seat by the table drinking his black coffee and reading the daily prophet just like every other morning.

"Good morning Sevy"

"Those nicknames of your's will not be tolerated ones were at Hogwarts Bella" Severus replies.

"Good thing we're not at Hogwarts yet then Snivellus" I say with I joking tone.

He always pretends he hates my nicknames for him but I know he secretly likes them. Especially Sevy sense that's what my mom use to call him. My dad on the other hand tormented him by constantly referring to him as Snivellus for the past 20 years.

Severus and my dad meet at Hogwarts and became quite the duo. Always doing pranks and exploring the Hogwarts ground together, got in quite a bit of trouble from what mom said. She was a year younger then them but that didn't stop dad from making a move on her during his 7th year.

"Eat up and get ready we're leaving in an hour egghead" he said as he exited the room whit a smal smile on his lips.

Egghead was an old nickname dad gave me when I was 8 and tried to do a spell that would conjure up chickens, but my pronunciation was a bit of and I ended upp conjuring a bunch of eggs that all landed right on my head. Dad found it hilarious while mom who had to clean the egg out of my hair was less excited about it.


"Bella you ready to leave?" Severus calls from downstairs.

"Yeh, I'm coming" I reply while closing my trunk.

Quickly making my way downstair I mentally check that I've got everting I need with me.

"Ready" I say as I approached Severus.

"Good, know the professors are all aware of your condition, to an extent, and I will make sure that no matter the house you are sorted in to you get a separate bedroom and I will personally stash your weekly potions in the bottom drawer of your left nightstand" Severus says.

"And will any student know about my condition?" I nervously ask.

"No, that will be your story to tell if you so choose" Severus reply. And with that he takes my arm and apparate us to King Cross Station.

Severus showed me how to run trough the wall to platform 9 and 3 quarters and quickly said goodbye before boarding the train, leaving me standing among hundreds of exited kids saying goodbye to their parents.

As I made my way on to the train I found an empty compartment and sat down. A few hours had past and I was reading my book when the door to my compartment was opened and a girl with long brown hair and a bitchy facial expression entered.

"Hey, mind if I sit down?" the brown haired witch asked.

"No, not at all" I said gesturing to the seat across from me.

"Are you new? I have never seen you before" the witch said as she sat down.

"Yes I am, starting 7th year" I replied.

"Oooh how exiting, I'm Pansy Parkinson, also a 7th year" she said with a little squeal.

"Nice to meet you Pansy, I'm Bella Lenox"

Our conversation was cut short when the train came to a halt.

"Uhh well then, I gotta find my friends agains but I'll see you around Bella" Pansy said while exiting the compartment.

Pansy's pov

"Hey boys" I said as I entered the compartment.

"Hey Pans" Blaise nicely greeted me while the others were caught up in their conversations.

The ride went as usual, talking about our summer and the upcoming year. Blaise feel asleep on my shoulder while Mattheo was reading his book, Theodor and Lorenzo was in a heated discussion about food and Draco was just staring out the window with a frown on his face.

"What's got you in a mood today Draco?" I asked my blond friend.

"None of your business Parkinson" he snapped back.

"No need to be a git Malfoy" talk about destroying the mood.

"Fuck off Parkinson, nobody likes you anyway" Draco said while still looking out the window.

Who does this dude think he is? He was being an ass and I wasn't having it so I stood upp and went to leave.

"Hey, were you going?" Lorenzo asked.

"I'm gonna take a walk" I said sternly while exiting the compartment.


When I made it back to the boys compartment Blaise had already grabbed my trunk.

"Thanks Zabini" I said as I took my trunk from him.

"No worries, where did you ran of to?" he responded.

"Malfoy was being a git so I went for a walk. Meet a new girl starting our year actually."

"Was she hot?" Theodor now joining the conversation.

"Keep it in your pants Theo, we haven't even gotten of the train yet. And she's way out of your league anyway" I said walking past him.

"Ouch, rude" he replied.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now