Chapter 15

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Bella's pov

I woke up early the next day to say goodbye to everyone. Mattheo had apparently said his goodbye's last night as he didn't feel like waking up this early.

The carriages were already lining up ready to take the eager students to the train and the thestrals were patiently waiting among the chaos of children, I made my way over to one that looked slithy younger than the others as I saw the small hint of panic in its eyes. Slowly approaching it I put my hand forward to reassure it that I was meaning no harm and allowing it to smell me first. Ones it seemed more comfortable I gently began stroking it's neck. Ever sense my parents died and I saw my first thestral I have had a weird sort of admiration for them. Although the creatures do look to be dead there skin is still smooth as silk.

"Smooth aren't they?" a voice from behind me said, making me jump.

I turned around to see a short girl in a Ravenclaw robe. Her blonde long her slithy messy and her skin pale as paper. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I'm Luna" her voice oddly comforting as she spoke.

"Hi, I'm Bella. Nice to meet you" I had seen her around the school from time to time but never really giving her much thought.

"Beautiful creatures aren't they" she said waling past me to the thestrals.

"Yeah they are"

"Sad that not everybody gets to see their beauty" the blond haired girl said while stroking the creature infront of her.

"I think the people who can't see them are quite lucky, I mean having seen somebody die isn't really a pleasant experience. Even if it leads to you being able to see thestrals" the blond girl looked at me a in silence as if she was analyzing me .

"I'm sorry about your mom" she said giving me a reassuring smile.

Her words taking me by surprise, "How...?" my words not forming as I tried to gather my thoughts again.

"The Nargels told me" she said before skipping away.

I was left utterly confused by the situation, that girl must have been complete crazy right? I mean what is Nargels?

I tried to shake it off as I retuned to my friends. "You guys ready to go ?" I asked as I saw other kids staring to climb onboard their carriages.

"Yeah let's go" Blaise said opening the door for us to enter. I had talked with them this morning about joining their carriage and jumping of as we pass Hogsmeade sense I wanted to do some shopping.

The weather was cold and grey and the ones colorful leaves that use to decorate the ground was now gone.

The carriage stopped as we passed Hogsmeade and I hugged each of them before exiting the carriage and watch them disappear in a distance. Hogsmeade was cozily decorated for the holidays and the smell of cinnamon and firewood was filling the streets. I walked around a couple stores gathering thing  I would need for decorating and then went on a hunt for Christmas presents.

I brought a thin silver necklace for Pansy with a diamond pendant and a gold hummingbird bracelet for Daphne. I went for a more simple rout with the boys and bought them candy and some easy necessities such as shirts or hoodies. The hardest part was finding something for Mattheo, I wasn't really sure what he liked. I ended up buying him a hoodie and a new black leather belt, although as I went to pay my eyes drifted to a set of rings. Mattheo did wear a few rings, I would now as I had embarrassingly enough found myself staring at his hand a few more times then I would like to admit. I picked out a sterling silver ring with an engraving of a snake on the inside. I had never seen a ring that had its design on the inside but I found it quite cool. I ended the trip by picking up some candy and potion stuff for Sevy before beginning the walk back to the school grounds.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now