Chapter 14

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Mattheo's pov

I was walking to divination with Malfoy and Nott taking our regular seat in the sofas at the far back. Divination being the worst class by far because of the lunatic teacher and her tea shop looking classroom, stinking of herbs and dust.

Professor Trelawney was going on about smoke patterns and how to read them when she finally decided to have one of her visions resulting in her passing out.

"Finally she decided to dip" Nott said putting down his smoke cup.

"Honestly it should be illegal to have a class this useless and boring, only lunatics would be interested in this type of shit" Malfoy chipped in also hating the class.

"Dumbledore's probably banging her and that's why he insist on keeping her at the school" Nott said making the people near us turn their heads at our conversation. Although one look back from us and they all went back to minding their own business.

"Ey Riddle, you staying at Hogwarts for Christmas break again?" Malfoy asked now looking at me mischiefly. Christmas was never a thing at the Riddle manor and 2 weeks with my father would only mean a bunch of death eater tasks to complete. The group has been taking turns inviting me to stay with them over the breaks but I always decline. For some reason I find it oddly comfortable being alone in the school.

"Yeah I am, why?"

"No reason, just heard that a certain browned haired witch is gonna stay to" he said smiling.

"How do you know that?"

"Pansy told me, apparently Snape had a lot of work to get done during break, his own fault for assigning us so many stupid assignment tho"

"Yeah defiantly" Nott agreed.

Professor Trelawney began waking up having some Hufflepuffs help her back on her feet before continuing with her class. By the time we were dismissed Theo had fallen asleep with the smoke cup in hand, almost setting his own pants on fire.

I made my way over to the astronomy wing with Nott as we were to have our last astronomy class before break, meaning we had to hand in our projects. Like usual we were late and I took my seat next to Bella as Theo sat down next to Enzo. All projects were handed in and the professor began talking about the schedule for next term.

"So" I turned my attention to the brown haired witch next to me, "I heard you're staying here over the break". She side glanced at me before actually turning to me and answering "Yeah, Sevy had a lot of work to get done".

"Sevy?" I couldn't hold in my laugh earning me a warning from the professor. "I'm definitely gonna start calling him that now".

"NO, don't you dare! He will seriously kill me if he find out I used one of his nicknames in front of people" her face showing slight panic mixed with amusement from the situation.

"One of them? You got more?" I defiantly needed to now what other nicknames Snape had.

"No, now forget I ever said anything" she said turning back to listening to the teacher.

You could see that not a lot of student were paying attention seeing as the break starts tomorrow and everybody's probably just thinking about that. The professor also noticing decided to dismiss the class early. Making our way back to the common room we meet up with Malfoy and Zabini before Bella decided head off to Pansy and Daphne. The boys and I took our seat in the sofas enjoying the fact that there were no more school for the next 2 weeks.

"Any fun plans for the break?" Zabini asked looking around the group.

"Just the normal Christmas shit and all" Nott answered as they struck up a conversation about their plans.

Malfoy sitting closest to me leaned in quietly asking "So any special plans for this break?".

"No, why?" why was he so obsessed with this break.

"I mean you and Bella will basically be the only ones here and with the recent developments you know..." I cut him of "The what?". Is he talking about what I thinks he is?

"Don't play dum Riddle I know you slept with her, twice even"

"How do you know that?" I thought Bella was the one who said we needed to keep this secret and now she's going around telling people about it.

"Secret sources" he had a smug smirk on his face telling me it was Pansy who told him.

"Pansy told you didn't she?"

"Yeah she did"

"Well that didn't mean anything, she's just a quick fuck that's all" Or at lest that what we agreed it was.

"Sure mate, sure" he patted my shoulder before turning and joining the others conversation.

Bella's Pov

I was on my way back from dinner when I ran in to Blasie coming from the Ravenclaw common room. A panicked look on his face as he saw me aproche him.

"Where have you been?" I asked curiosity taking over my mind.

"Nowhere" he said trying to play it cool.

"Oh really, so you didn't just come from the Ravenclaw common room then?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine, yes I was"

"And what were you doing there? Or maybe I should ask who were you doing there?" A smile spreading on my face as I saw Blaise blush.

"Nobody that you need to know of yet" he said with a playful smile on his lips.

We laughed it off as we made our way back to the common room together. "So I heard you're staying here for the break" Blaise said looking down at me.

"Yeah, I am"

"Well good luck being alone with Riddle for 2 weeks alone" he said laughing.

"What do you mean?" I was genuinely confused as I talked about it earlier with Mattheo and he didn't mention anything about also staying for the break.

"Mattheo always spends his holidays at the school" he said shrugging.

"What, why?"

"Don't know, we have all offered for him to stay with us but he never wants to. Says he enjoys the solitude or something" we made it to the common room and Blaise said the password to open the portrait for us.

"So you're telling me he always celebrates Christmas and any other holiday here at school, all alone?" the though tugging at my heart a bit.

"He never actually celebrate any of it but yes" he said.


"Well I'm guessing the Dark lord wasn't big on holidays growing up" I didn't even notice that we were now standing in front of my dorm. I thanked Blaise for the company and assured him that I would see him tomorrow before they all leave.

I got ready for bed with the constant thought of Mattheo never celebrating Christmas hunting me. I mean before my parents died Christmas was my favorite time of the year, it was never about the present for me, although they were a big plus, it was more about the atmosphere. The snowball fights that we all took way to seriously and the eggnog's in front of the fire after, the baking of cookies and treats that never even lasted to Christmas Day, the amazing food and the feeling of sharing gifts and showing appreciation to the people around you.

One thing was for sure, no one should have to go trough life not experiencing a true Christmas and I would make sure that this year Mattheo Riddle would celebrate Christmas, whether he want to or not.


Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter than the others! I will make it up to you guys next week I promise :)

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