Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

Waking up the next morning I decided to head over to Pansy's dorm to make sure she's okay. A tired Pansy opened the door before heading back over to her bed burying herself in the warmth of the sheets ones again.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine this morning" I said taking a seat next to her in bed.

"I feel like shit"

"I can see that" I said laughing at the poor girl. "Well at least you got some good out of it"

"And what's that?" she asked turning over to me.

"Draco kissed you" I said wiggling my eyebrows at her. Her face instantly turned red by the memories of their kiss and she buried her head under the sheets.

"I met your roommate yesterday, she seems nice" I said changing the subjects.

"Oh yeah she's nice her name is Daphne, a bit too school fixated for my liking but it works. I mean all she does is study, I don't ever think I have seen her at a party or anywhere except for the library and our dorm. Complete opposite of her sister" Pansy said now getting out from under the covers.

"Who's her sister?"

"Astoria Greengrass"

"Oh shit, so there twins?"

"No, Daphnes a year younger but got moved up a year because she's so smart"

Daphne wasn't in the dorm, probable of studying according to Pansy, so I took a good look around their dorm. It was quite similar to mine just bigger with one more bed and desk.

After a lot of convincing I managed to get Pansy out of bed

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After a lot of convincing I managed to get Pansy out of bed. We walked down to the great hall to eat lunch sense we missed breakfast and then Pansy decided to go back to bed so I took the opportunity to walk to the library. I have always loved reading, the way you can travel to any world you'd like and live whatever life you'd like. It's always been a way of escaping reality and let myself be completely submerged in my own world. After looking trough a lot of the books I found one of my old favorites Darkness Within (Made up book), I had a copy of it back home but my mom threw it out before she passed away, she wasn't a fan of muggle books or any other muggle things for that matter. After checking the book out with the librarian I headed to find a nice spot to read.

I ended upp in the astronomy tower sitting against one of the pillars. Completely lost in my book I didn't notice the fact that the sun was starting to set.

"Darkness Within, interesting choice" I jumped at the sound of his voice not hearing him approach.

"Fucking hell you scared the shit out of me" I said closing my book.

"Didn't take you for the dark romance type of girl" he said taking out his pack of cigaretts and lighting one.

"Well Riddle there's a lot you don't know about me" I said getting up.

Borrowed time; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now